大韩民国 - Sea - 查看更多

Date of original text: 25 March 2009 (03 June 2014)
Date of original text: 08 August 1996 (04 April 2011)
Date of original text: 18 February 2020 (10 January 2022)
Date of original text: 29 January 2020 (04 January 2022)
Date of text: 20 August 2019
Date of original text: 31 December 1977 (13 March 2018)
Date of original text: 01 February 1960 (26 July 2017)
Date of original text: 15 June 2011 (22 June 2015)
Date of original text: 03 August 2007 (22 June 2015)
Date of original text: 19 January 2007 (22 June 2015)
Date of original text: 09 June 2009 (03 February 2015)
Date of original text: 05 January 1995 (13 August 2013)
Date of original text: 12 December 1953 (23 March 2013)
Date of original text: 18 April 1963 (15 June 2011)
Date of original text: 21 December 2007 (01 April 2009)
Date of original text: 23 March 1963 (27 December 1993)
Date of text: 31 December 1982
Date of original text: 24 March 2015 (11 July 2017)
Date of original text: 10 June 1983 (23 March 2013)
Date of original text: 20 September 1978 (11 January 2008)
Date of original text: 13 July 1995 (29 January 2001)