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FAO launches new results reports together with Belgium and Sweden


Yesterday, at FAO headquarters in Rome, the Organization launched two new reports, showcasing impact created around the world thanks to FAO’s collaboration with two remarkable partners: Belgium and Sweden. The reports were introduced during a side event of the 160th session of the FAO Council, shedding light on the long-standing, wide-ranging and solid partnership between the Organization and the two countries.

The event, which featured interventions by the Permanent Representatives of Belgium, Sweden, Bolivia and Nigeria to FAO, also provided a platform to highlight the importance of multilateralism and flexible funding. “The interconnected nature of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) makes clear the need for integrated approaches to development, expanded partnerships, innovation and financial predictability to achieve long-term development. It also encourages cross-sectoral responses and requires the aid community to break sectoral silos.” noted Daniel Gustafson, FAO’s Deputy Director General (Programmes) during the event.

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