أخبار حول الأمن الغذائي والتغذية والنظم الغذائية

حلقة دراسية شبكية عالمية بعنوان "ما الذي يحمله الاسم من معنى" حول النهج المختلفة المعنية بمساعدة البشر على تناول الطعام بشكل أفضل

تهدف الحلقة الدراسية الشبكية، التي تستمر لمدة ساعتين، إلى تصحيح الفكرة الخاطئة المنتشرة على مستوى العالم حول ما نسميه "العمل الذي نقوم به". سوف تتألف هذه الحلقة من عروض تقديمية قصيرة حول النُهج المختلفة لمساعدة البشر على تناول الطعام بشكل أفضل، ومن بين هذه العروض: تغير السلوك والتسويق الاجتماعي والتثقيف التغذوي (والغذائي) والإرشاد الصحي. في كل عرض من هذه العروض سيتم تعريف نهج واحد من النُهج

International Forum on Eurasian Food Security and Nutrition Network and Eurasian Soil Partnership

International Forum on Eurasian Food Security and Nutrition Network and Eurasian Soil Partnership will present the opportunity to discuss and analyze current trends in food security management in the Eurasian region; generate the discussion about best and most effective practices to promote and expand multi- and cross-sectoral collaboration on a country, regional and global level; and offer the

Offre d'emploi - Livelihoods Coordinator (en anglais)

Location: Niger Contract: 12 Months Languages: Must be fluent in French and English Since the food crises of 2005, GOAL has continuously supported the population of Mirriah district in Zinder Region through the implementation of community-based programmes mainly in the fields of nutrition, food security and WASH (Water, Hygiene and Sanitation). The Livelihoods Coordinator takes overall

Webinar: The Role of Rural organisations in Social Protection

Extending social protection and risk management systems effectively to rural populations is often a challenge for government institutions in many developing countries. The High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition has recognized in its 2012 report the importance of involving non-state actors, including rural organizations, in the formulation and execution of social protection

Smallholders dataportrait

The smallholder farmers' dataportrait is a comprehensive, systematic and standardized data set on the profile of smallholder farmers across the world. It generates an image on how small family farmers in developing and emerging countries live their lives. It is about putting in numbers, the constraints they face, and the choices they make so that policies can be informed by evidence to meet the

New e-learning course on gender equality in land governance

A new e-learning course from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) provides specific guidance for ensuring that the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security (VGGT) are implemented in a gender-equitable way.

The State of Food and Agriculture 2015 - Social protection and agriculture: breaking the cycle of rural poverty

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on reducing poverty have been met by many countries, yet many others lag behind and the post-2015 challenge will be the full eradication of poverty and hunger. Many developing countries increasingly recognize that social protection measures are needed to relieve the immediate deprivation of people living in poverty and to prevent others from falling into

CFS 42 in session

The 42nd session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS ) takes place from 12 to 15 October 2015 and brings together delegates from all around the world to discuss and review policies concerning world food security. CFS is one of the most inclusive and prominent international and intergovernmental platforms that aims to enable stakeholders to work together to ensure food security and

Registrations are open: Sustainable Energy Technologies for Food Utilization in Emergency Contexts

Sustainable Energy Technologies for Food Utilization in Emergency Contexts Wednesday, October 28, 2015 9AM-2PM Location: Council on Foreign Relations Washington, DC This conference is addressed to high-level experts in the field of humanitarian action, as well as of energy, food security and nutrition. The “Sustainable Energy Technologies for Food Utilization” (SET4food) is a project co-funded by