
17 March 2017 - We are conducting a short survey (5 minutes MAX) about GLOBEFISH Highlights, our flagship GLOBEFISH publication. We would greatly appreciate your feedback.  Please click here to follow the link and complete the survey Haven't heard of or read GLOBEFISH Highlights? No problem, we would still ...
17 March 2017 - The Products, Trade and Marketing Branch (FIAM) of FAO is organizing a panel session at the Seafood Expo North America 2017. The Seafood Expo North America, held every March in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, is the largest seafood exposition in North America. This ...
06 February 2017 - Now in its second year, the Conference will be held in Sri Lanka, currently the sixth largest supplier of ornamental fish to the global market. The International Ornamental Fish Trade and Technical Conference will take place from 8–10 February 2017 in ...
14 December 2016 - Deadline for application: 28 February 2017Duration: 6 months Background FAO has an ongoing initiative on development of a user-friendly tool called World Aquaculture Performance Indicators (WAPI) for the purpose of facilitating evidence-based policymaking and sector management in aquaculture and related sectors. A ...
04 November 2016 - 本次关于海产品安全评估的为期一周的课程,旨在向参与者详细介绍涉及海产品生物(病原体细菌,组胺,病毒,寄生虫和生物毒素)与化学(PAH,兽药,重金属,微粒塑料)污染物对公共健康的危害。 用于检测这些安全隐患的标准和创新方法将被介绍给25个课程参与者中,课上所介绍的方法也将在实验室中进行练习和实践。 该课程将于2017年4月24-28日在西班牙德里奥进行讲授,由国际地中海农艺研究中心(CIHEAM)通过萨拉戈萨地中海农学研究所(IAMZ)与联合国粮农组织(FAO)渔业和水产养殖部以及Escuela Aggraria Derio共同组织。 更多信息可以在CIHEAM网站上找到。 请点击此处进入高级课程目录页面,并在“渔业和水产养殖”部分下载申请表。 提交申请截止日期:2017年2月10日
