
The FAO GLOBEFISH Chinese Fish Price Report, based on information supplied by industry correspondents, aims to provide guidance on broad price trends. In recent years, China has remained the top fish producer in the world with strong linkages with this historical evolution growth of aquaculture vis-à-vis wild capture fisheries. In addition, China is a country where international trade plays a significant role in fish and fish products. The Chinese Fish Price Report fills an existing gap...
欧元区 9 月年通胀率为 4.3%,10 月继续回落至 2.9%。荷兰、丹麦和比利时的年通胀率最低,而东欧地区的年通胀率最高。在本期《欧洲水产品价格报告》中,与2023年10月相比,52%的水产品价格保持稳定,20%出现上涨,28%出现下降。圣诞季的水产品贸易已经开始,但仍然存在不确定性。目前,市场正在回暖,龙虾和牡蛎等经典节日产品的价格出现上涨。尽管总体形势向好,但虾类价格有所下降,与主要生产国的预期相悖。市场对虾类产品的需求仍不稳定。
From 1 January to 15 December 2023, exports of fish and seafood from the Russian Federation amounted to 2.08 million tonnes, according to the Customs Service statistics and Rosselkhoznadzor's Argus information system. This represents a 30 percent increase over the same period in 2022, when Russian exports of fish and seafood were just over 1.6 million tonnes. China has become the largest export destination; the seafood shipments to this country have increased almost three times,...
