KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

How can vulnerable households sustain an escape from poverty, weathering the ongoing and multiple shocks and stresses that they will face over their lifetimes? Poor and near-poor households and communities live in increasingly complex risk environments and are subject to [...]
Version pilote
La note d’orientation a été élaborée conjointement par les programmes stratégiques de la FAO « Réduire la pauvreté rurale » et « Améliorer la résilience des moyens d’existence face à des menaces ou en situation de crise ». Elle fournit [...]
Pine dieback, caused by bark beetles, is severely damaging Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) in Belarus and Ukraine. Forestry and the wood processing industry of Scots pine is relevant in Belarus and Ukraine from the economic, social and environmental perspective. In recent [...]
Protecting the livelihoods of herders from a dzud winter
There’s evidence that the intensity and frequency of climate-driven natural disasters and conflicts is increasing. Natural disasters now occur nearly five times as often as 40 years ago. The impact on local economies, on lives and livelihoods, has similarly grown. In some of the [...]
By Lindsey Jones
Climate extremes are in the headlines yet again. From the devastation of typhoon Mangkhut in Southeast Asia to Greek wildfires earlier in the year, timely reminders of the importance of resilience-building can be seen everywhere. It’s therefore reassuring to see resilience quickly climbing to the [...]