KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

  As part of the global agenda of insuring for sustainable development, the Impact Insurance Facility and the Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative are organizing a webinar series with the theme, “Making inclusive insurance work”. The fifth webinar had the topic "Agriculture and [...]
Helping countries to prepare for animal disease emergency response
The human food chain is under continued threat from an alarming increase in the number of outbreaks of transboundary animal diseases (TADs). Considering the resurgence of certain animal diseases, and persistent threats posed by TADs, a strong emphasis is needed [...]
The guiding questions on preparedness and resilience were developed to facilitate the Food Security Cluster (FSC) in raising awareness on preparedness and resilience-building throughout the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC). The questions are based on the gFSC Discussion Paper: Options to Address Preparedness and [...]
Foire aux savoirs. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Au Sahel, environ 65 pour cent de la population active travaillent dans le secteur agricole et leurs conditions de vie sont ainsi tributaires des aléas climatiques, des marchés et des facteurs environnementaux. Plus de la moitié sont des femmes. Les [...]
Building resilience in disaster prone areas in Central America’s Dry Corridor
The most vulnerable part of Central America is the “Corredo Seco” (Dry Corridor), an area running across of El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, which is characterized by very variable and extreme weather conditions: regular abnormal dry spells and droughts, [...]
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