KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

Monthly Report on Food Price Trends
The latest issue of the FPMA (Food Price Monitoring and Analysis) Bulletin FAO/GIEWS monthly report has been released. The monthly FPMA Bulletin reports food price trends at world, regional and country level with a focus on countries where prices of one or more basic food commodity are [...]
High temperatures and below-average rainfall could affect the 2018 main season food output
In the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, below-average rains, coupled with high temperatures from mid-July until mid-August, resulted in moisture stress during critical crop development stages in localized areas of the main crop producing provinces, including South and North Hwanghae, [...]
Monthly Report on Food Price Trends
The latest issue of the FPMA (Food Price Monitoring and Analysis) Bulletin FAO/GIEWS monthly report has been released. The monthly FPMA Bulletin reports food price trends at world, regional and country level with a focus on countries where prices of one or more basic food commodity are [...]
Food Supply and Demand Outlook in 2017/18 (November/October)
This report assesses the food supply and demand situation in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea for the 2017/18 marketing year (November/October). It presents the 2017/18 aggregate crop production, which includes the 2017 main season, completed by October 2017, and [...]
Monthly Report on Food Price Trends
The latest issue of the FPMA (Food Price Monitoring and Analysis) Bulletin FAO/GIEWS monthly report has been released. The monthly FPMA Bulletin reports food price trends at world, regional and country level with a focus on countries where prices of one or more basic food commodity are [...]