KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

Dans le contexte actuel de conditions climatiques extrêmes, de pauvreté, de crises prolongées et d'urgences sanitaires, les inégalités socioéconomiques se creusent et les zones rurales sont à la traîne.  Ce webinaire lancera la série de cinq webinaires appelés « Journées d’engagement [...]
Conflict undermines resilience and can force individuals and households to engage in increasingly destructive and irreversible coping strategies that threaten their future livelihoods, food security and nutrition. Thus, enhancing FAO's programming in fragile and conflict-affected contexts is crucial to support [...]
The webinar will provide evidence from the work of two programmes in the Niger Delta - the UK Aid-funded Market Development in the Niger Delta (MADE) programme and The Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta's (PIND). The COVID-19 pandemic - and restrictions [...]
An event hosted by the Netherlands. The Online International Climate Adaptation Summit (CAS) 202125 - 26 January 2021 The Climate Adaptaption Summit (CAS), will build on the advances of the UN Climate Action Summit by showcasing pioneering solutions to the climate emergency, [...]
The first  Gobeshona Conference, Research into Action on Locally-Led Adaptation, an event fully virtual, will be held on January 18th, 16:00-17:30 UTC. "From measuring resilience to advancing resilience practice" as part of the Conference, the event will comprise two short panels: Advancing resilience measurement in the [...]