FAO in Mongolia

Mongolia presented the achievements of the FAO-China South-South Cooperation programme


The State Secretary of the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry Mr. Jambaltseren introduced the main achievements of the program implemented in Mongolia under the FAO-CHINA South-South Cooperation Program while joining the side session during the GSDD Expo 2022 on “Scaling up Conservation Agriculture to accelerate agri-food systems transformation in the Global South”.  

The program which was funded from the South-South cooperation implemented in Mongolia in two-phases during 2010-2016 covering many sub-sectors such as animal breeding, crop and feed production, greenhouse vegetable production, poultry farming, aquaculture and apiculture. The program specifically focused on bringing innovation and Chinese expertise in the relatively new areas to Mongolia.

The conservation agriculture is a good practice that is implemented in several countries by FAO, including the Global South. The Conservation agriculture intends to integrate the soil protection, environmental protection and economic benefits in the agriculture sector through innovation, agriculture mechanization and expert extension services. In the Asia and Pacific Region, China and India have been implanting this approach with great advancement in the last years, setting up good examples. FAO is working to scale-up the approach in other countries of the region as well.

The report of the programme in Mongolia could be found through the link: https://www.fao.org/3/cb9668en/cb9668en.pdf