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Hazard mitigation against flood and land instabilities in the western and eastern regions of Italian Alps 



Publications archive

Mountain Partnership Secretariat: Annual report 2023

Mountain Partnership Secretariat: Annual report 2023

The Mountain Partnership is the United Nations alliance dedicated to mountain peoples and environments. The Secretariat of the Mountain Partnership is hosted by FAO. The 2023 Annual Report of the Mountain Partnership Secretariat (MPS) outlines the MPS' key achievements throughout the year, including supporting the observance of the Five Years...

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Enhancing mountain livelihoods and resilience

Enhancing mountain livelihoods and resilience

This fact sheet, published by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, highlights initiatives aimed at enhancing livelihoods and resilience in mountain and island ecosystems. Recognizing the unique challenges faced by these regions—from climate change impacts to economic vulnerabilities—the initiatives harness local potential...

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Training for change

Training for change

This fact sheet is published by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. It details the Secretariat's capacity development initiatives aimed at enhancing expertise in sustainable mountain development and addressing the limited availability of specialized courses on mountain themes. Each year, the Secretariat...

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The Mountain Partnership

The Mountain Partnership

This fact sheet, published by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, outlines the mission and impact of the Mountain Partnership. Established in 2002, the Mountain Partnership boasts over 550 members, including governments, intergovernmental agencies, institutions and civil society organizations. It harnesses the...

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Championing the global mountain agenda

Championing the global mountain agenda

This fact sheet is published by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. It highlights the Mountain Partnership’s advocacy activities aimed at increasing global attention and securing tangible commitments for sustainable mountain development. As the only United Nations alliance dedicated to mountains, the...

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The Mountain Facility

The Mountain Facility

Published by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, this fact sheet introduces the Mountain Facility, a global financing mechanism designed to enhance the sustainability and competitiveness of small mountain producers. Mountains, home to 1.1 billion people and strategic natural resources, face escalating...

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Why mountains matter

Why mountains matter

This fact sheet is published by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. It outlines the critical importance of mountains for people and the planet, highlighting that mountains are home to around 1.1 billion people. Covering about 27 percent of the earth's land...

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Enhancing community resilience to climate change in mountain watersheds

Enhancing community resilience to climate change in mountain watersheds

The project Enhancing community resilience to climate change in mountain watersheds (GCP/GLO/042/JPN) is implemented by the Forestry Division (NFO) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and funded by the Forestry Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan (MAFF). It aims to...

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Restauración de ecosistemas y medios de vida resilientes para reducir el riesgo climático en montañas del Perú

Restauración de ecosistemas y medios de vida resilientes para reducir el riesgo climático en montañas del Perú

La presente nota de orientación explora el Enfoque de Reducción de Riesgo de Catástrofes basado en Ecosistemas. Se presta especial atención a las cadenas de valor sostenibles y a la gestión forestal participativa como un método eficaz para fortalecer la adaptación y la resiliencia al cambio climático. Se describe la...

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Local efforts for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and resilient forest livelihoods in the mountain watersheds of the Philippines

Local efforts for ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction and resilient forest livelihoods in the mountain watersheds of the Philippines

This policy brief explores the willingness of local authorities to strengthen adaptation and resilience to climate change while improving social well-being and economic development. It presents forest restoration and sustainable agricultural practices, institutionalized yet led by communities, as effective methods for reducing risks, improving the resilience of farmer communities and...

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How coffee value chains foster climate-resilient livelihoods: The FAO-Slow Food Coffee Coalition experience

How coffee value chains foster climate-resilient livelihoods: The FAO-Slow Food Coffee Coalition experience

This document introduces how agroforestry coffee improves resilience and ensures livelihoods in the context of climate risk and access to markets. Our intention is to reflect on the benefits and constraints of agroforestry coffee production, good practices for facilitating a fair and sustainable value chain, and what is needed for...

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Global Land Outlook rangelands report

Global Land Outlook rangelands report

In anticipation of the International Year of Rangelands and Pastoralists (IYRP) in 2026, this report serves as a catalyst for global awareness and action. It analyses numerous case studies and good practices from around the world, drawing on the experience and lessons learned, and advocates for a new paradigm to...

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Land Degradation Neutrality Fund Impact Report 2022

Land Degradation Neutrality Fund Impact Report 2022

After four years of full operations and successful deployment, the Mirova team announced the closing of the 10th investment of the Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) Fund in October 2022, a major milestone in the development of the sustainable land use strategy. The projects supported by the fund since 2018 have...

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Global action for sustainable rangelands and pastoralism to acheive Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN)

Global action for sustainable rangelands and pastoralism to acheive Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN)

Global action for sustainable rangelands and pastoralism to acheive Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN): A science-to-policy review, with recommendations for the UNCCD Conference of Parties is a working paper prepared by the IYRP LDN Working Group from 2022-2024. This reports covers the challenges and threats to rangelands and pastoralism along with...

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Mountain Research and Development Vol 44, No 1

Mountain Research and Development Vol 44, No 1

Mountain Research and Development Vol 44, No 1 is available online and open access. A study across the Andean region details how immigration is linked to an increase in exotic plant species, posing challenges for sustainable management of local ecosystems and biodiversity reservoirs. Research into the heterogeneity of Swiss alpine...

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Restoring mountain ecosystems - Challenges, case studies and recommendations for implementing the UN Decade Principles for Mountain Ecosystem Restoration

Restoring mountain ecosystems - Challenges, case studies and recommendations for implementing the UN Decade Principles for Mountain Ecosystem Restoration

Mountains are home to a variety of ecosystems that provide vital services directly to 1.1 billion people and billions of others living in connected lowland areas. Half of humanity depends on mountains for the provision of freshwater alone. Mountain ecosystems cool local temperatures, increase water retention, provide carbon storage, and...

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Safeguarding Mountain Ecosystems: A Global Challenge

Safeguarding Mountain Ecosystems: A Global Challenge

Safeguarding Mountain Ecosystems: A Global Challenge provides an overview of the relevant research in mountain regions worldwide, identifying existing challenges and providing an understanding of the diversity of mountain ecosystems in different regions. Mountain ecosystems are increasingly vulnerable to modified climate conditions and other global changes (demographic, migration, urbanization). In...

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Mountain Ecosystems and Resources Management

Mountain Ecosystems and Resources Management

In "Mountain Ecosystems & Resources Management", readers embark on a journey through the intricate world of mountain ecosystems and the essential strategies for responsible resource management. This book aims to serve as a guide for understanding the unique dynamics of these landscapes and the challenges they face in an ever-changing...

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Responding to climate change in the mountains: Opportunities for parliamentarians to act

Responding to climate change in the mountains: Opportunities for parliamentarians to act

Mountains are vital ecosystems, providing freshwater for half of the world's population, hosting rich biodiversity and holding cultural significance for communities across the world. Climate change impacts mountains acutely. Rapid temperature warming and melting glaciers, more frequent and intense natural hazards and changing precipitation patterns have severe impacts on mountain...

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Mountain women of the world – Shaping change for the common good

Mountain women of the world – Shaping change for the common good

This booklet is published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Mountain Partnership Secretariat, together with the Feminist Hiking Collective – a non-profit organization and transnational hub for feminist hikers, and a member of the Mountain Partnership. It builds on the challenges and opportunities identified...

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The Canadian Mountain Assessment

The Canadian Mountain Assessment

The Canadian Mountain Assessment provides a first-of-its-kind look at what we know, do not know, and need to know about mountains in Canada. It is based on insights from Indigenous knowledges of mountains, as well as findings from an extensive assessment of pertinent academic literature. The Canadian Mountain Assessment's inclusive...

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Towards systemic disaster risk reduction in mountains - policy brief

Towards systemic disaster risk reduction in mountains - policy brief

Mountains are multi-risk areas due to complex interactions between natural and socioeconomic factors. These multiple risks can manifest locally but can also have severe impacts in distant lowland areas, thus requiring coordinated approaches across sectors and regions. Moreover, mountain risks are embedded in the specific natural, cultural, social and economic...

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Youth call to action for the Five Years of Action for the Development of Mountain Regions 2023-2027

Youth call to action for the Five Years of Action for the Development of Mountain Regions 2023-2027

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is the lead agency for sustainable mountain development within the United Nations (UN) system. FAO led the first International Year of Mountains in 2002, the main outcome of which was the founding of a UN alliance dedicated to working together for...

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State of Climate Action in Nepal, 2023: Second Citizen Assessment

State of Climate Action in Nepal, 2023: Second Citizen Assessment

This report, entitled "State of Climate Action in Nepal-2023: Second Assessment", brought endeavours and accomplishments mainly from the civil society perspective with key ways forward in addressing critical climate issues in Nepal. Building on the previous "State of Climate Action in Nepal" report published in 2018, Climate Action Network South Asia-Nepal (CANSA-Nepal) continues...

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Water, ice, society, and ecosystems in the Hindu Kush Himalaya

Water, ice, society, and ecosystems in the Hindu Kush Himalaya

A major assessment report by the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) reveals unprecedented and largely irreversible changes to the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region's glaciers, snow and permafrost due to global warming. The report, titled "Water, Ice, Society, and Ecosystems in the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HI-WISE)," maps the...

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Mountain Partnership Secretariat - Annual Report 2022

Mountain Partnership Secretariat - Annual Report 2022

The Mountain Partnership is the United Nations voluntary alliance of partners dedicated to mountain peoples and environments. The Secretariat of the Mountain Partnership is hosted by FAO. This Annual Report outlines the Mountain Partnership Secretariat’s key achievements in promoting sustainable mountain development in 2022. The publication documents the Secretariat’s work...

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Resilient Mountain Solutions: Ten local solutions for global impact

Resilient Mountain Solutions: Ten local solutions for global impact

This publication presents 10 efficient, cost-effective and custom-made solutions that have been tested in the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) region and are suitable for up-scaling and out-scaling to other regions. Each solution can contribute to several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and thus help ensure a better future...

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Understanding and Quantifying Mountain Tourism

Understanding and Quantifying Mountain Tourism

All around the world, mountain tourism is driven by the human desire to experience nature in unique settings. In turn, tourism has proven to be a lifeline for many communities in mountain regions, and it can play a leading role in sustaining systems that contribute to protecting these fragile ecosystems....

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Co-operation in the Shar/Šara Mountains and Korab Massif area: Scoping study on addressing shared climate-related security challenges and strengthening resilience

Co-operation in the Shar/Šara Mountains and Korab Massif area: Scoping study on addressing shared climate-related security challenges and strengthening resilience

The Shar/Šara Mountains and Korab Massif area is a biodiversity hotspot in South-Eastern Europe with outstanding natural value. Comprising four protected areas of Korab-Koritnik, Mavrovo, Shar Mountain, and Sharri/Šara, the area has a coverage of more than 240,000 ha, making it one of the largest contiguous protected areas in Europe....

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Mountain studies: Understanding and managing mountains for people and nature

Mountain studies: Understanding and managing mountains for people and nature

Karakoram International University (KIU), Gilgit published a book (edited volume) entitled Mountain studies: Understanding and managing mountains for people and nature. The book was an outcome of a project under the U.S. – Pakistan University Partnerships Grants Program, funded by United States Government through the United States Educational Foundation in...

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Sustainable soil management in mountain regions - policy brief

Sustainable soil management in mountain regions - policy brief

Mountain soils represent a finite, virtually non-renewable resource that provide essential ecosystem services for life on Earth, not only in the mountains but also downstream. This policy brief, published as a contribution to the Interational Year of Sustainable Mountain Development 2022, discuss the drivers of soil degredation in mountain regions...

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Building resilience into watersheds – A sourcebook

 Building resilience into watersheds – A sourcebook

The purpose of this sourcebook is to provide advice on how to incorporate disaster risk reduction and resilience building into the watershed management process. As an increasingly heavier toll is exerted on agriculture and food systems by drought, floods, wildfires, and other extreme events, adopting risk reduction and management practices...

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Mountains and Food: Current Trends and Challenges in Europe’s Mountain Regions

Mountains and Food: Current Trends and Challenges in Europe’s Mountain Regions

The Journal of Alpine Research has released a new issue dedicated to the relationship between food and mountains.
The issue includes articles in English and French, with some articles also in Italian.


Download the open access journal here

Photo: ©Roberto Cilenti

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Harnessing the socio-ecological potential of mountain biosphere reserves for biodiversity conservation - policy brief

Harnessing the socio-ecological potential of mountain biosphere reserves for biodiversity conservation - policy brief

In this policy brief, the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme and the World Network of Mountain Biosphere Reserves present their recommendations for harnessing the socio-ecological potential of mountain biosphere reserves for biodiversity conservation.

From the paradigm-shifting landscape approach to the potential for scientific collaboration between more than half of biosphere...

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Expo 2020 Dubai Climate and Biodiversity Theme Week Insights

Expo 2020 Dubai Climate and Biodiversity Theme Week Insights

From October 2021 to March 2022, Dubai and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) brought more than 200 nations and organizations together to chart a course forward for a cleaner, safer and healthier future for all. Designed in conjunction with 192 nations and adopted by the UAE Cabinet, the Programme for...

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Zero Water Day: Seizing the opportunity from a public health perspective

Zero Water Day: Seizing the opportunity from a public health perspective

Water is a finite natural resource. Zero Water Day(s) scenarios are challenging people and communities in Europe and worldwide. The public health community must seize the opportunity to prepare for Zero Water Day(s) through strengthening capacity and capability to respond to rapidly emerging emergencies as well as protected crises. Collaboration...

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"From the mountains of Kyrgyzstan to the catwalks of Milan" - Unasylva 253

"From the mountains of Kyrgyzstan to the catwalks of Milan" - Unasylva 253

To coincide with the 50th anniversary of FAO's Committee on Forestry, this edition of Unasylva showcases ways in which forests are delivering the "four betters" and underscores how forests are crucial for resilient and sustainable agrifood systems in a changing climate. As FAO's longest running periodical, Unasylva focuses on issues...

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Mountains and heritage-making - policy brief

Mountains and heritage-making - policy brief

2022 is the international year of sustainable mountain development. The recent policy brief on Mountain and heritage-making was prepared with the support of the Geneva School of Social Sciences and the Mountain Partnership.

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Ecosystem restoration in the mountains - policy brief

Ecosystem restoration in the mountains - policy brief

Mountains play a crucial role for both the highlands and lowlands, but are particularly vulnerable to climate change and human interventions. This policy brief focuses on ecosystem restoration in the mountains. It highlights the role of healthy mountain ecosystems and their services and provides a set of recommendations to help...

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Mountain women of the world – Challenges, resilience and collective power

Mountain women of the world – Challenges, resilience and collective power

Women play a key role in environmental protection and social and economic development in mountain areas. They are often the primary managers of mountain resources, guardians of biodiversity and keepers of traditional knowledge. Empowering rural women is crucial to eradicating hunger and poverty. Yet, due to discriminatory social norms, rural...

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Mountain Observations: Monitoring, Data, and Information for Science, Policy, and Society - policy brief

Mountain Observations: Monitoring, Data, and Information for Science, Policy, and Society - policy brief

Observations play a key role in tracking mountain global change and its impacts, understanding the various processes and feedback mechanisms involved, and delivering more reliable projections of the future to society. This policy brief provides an overview of the current state of multi-disciplinary mountain observations. It represents a contribution of the...

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International Mountain Day 2022 fact sheet: Women move mountains

International Mountain Day 2022 fact sheet: Women move mountains

Women move mountains is the theme of this year's International Mountain Day on 11 December 2022. Women play a key role in environmental protection and social and economic development in mountain areas. They are often the primary managers of mountain resources, guardians of biodiversity, keepers of traditional knowledge, custodians of...

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United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2022)

United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2022)

Resolution approved by the United Nations General Assembly on sustainable mountain development at seventy-seventh session. A/RES/77/172

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Traditional mountain landscapes: crucial for meeting biodiversity and climate targets

Traditional mountain landscapes: crucial for meeting biodiversity and climate targets

Traditional mountain landscapes governed by Indigenous Peoples and local communities (IPLCs) conserve unique wildlife and agrobiodiversity, and strongly support climate change adaptation and mitigation by protecting ecosystem services, including grasslands that store almost 50 percent more carbon than forests.

But mountain biodiversity and the Indigenous and traditional peoples that sustain it...

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Looking beyond glaciers to understand mountain water security

Looking beyond glaciers to understand mountain water security

Changes in the mountain cryosphere impact on water security of downstream societies and resilience of water-dependent ecosystems and their services. However, assessing mountain water security still requires better understanding of the complex interaction between glacial meltwater and coupled human-natural systems. In this context, this article calls for a refocusing from glacio-hydrological monitoring and modelling...

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The Aspen Declaration - A new momentum for mountains


The members of the Mountain Partnership, during our Sixth Global Meeting taking place at the Aspen Institute in Aspen, Colorado, USA on 27-29 September 2022, have agreed to this Declaration to jointly promote the sustainable development of mountain areas. The Aspen Declaration, promotes cooperation among mountain countries on a wide...

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Mustang Declaration on Sustainable Mountain Solutions

Mustang Declaration on Sustainable Mountain Solutions

On 20-21 September 2022, national governments, international agencies, and Mountain Partnership members joined together in Nepal for the Mustang Advocacy Summit (MAS 2022) to raise awareness about the impact of climate change in mountain regions. The objective of the Summit was to draw attention to the issues and challenges faced...

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Letter dated 30 September 2022 from the Permanent Representative of Kyrgyzstan to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General

Letter dated 30 September 2022 from the Permanent Representative of Kyrgyzstan to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General

Taking into consideration the declaration of 2022 as the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development and following the High-Level Meeting on Sustainable Mountain Development held in New York City on September 19, 2022, the members of the Group of Friends of Mountainous Countries, comprising of Andorra, Austria, Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan,...

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Keeping our mountains plastic waste free - policy brief

Keeping our mountains plastic waste free - policy brief

Mountain areas host both sprawling cities and rural settlements, providing a home for about 15 per cent of the global population. Linked to global supply chains and as a consequence of population growth, overconsumption and tourism, the generation of waste – especially plastic waste – is surging across mountains. This...

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Inclusive and resilient mountain food systems: Opportunities and best practices - policy brief

Inclusive and resilient mountain food systems: Opportunities and best practices - policy brief

Mountain food systems are unique, complex, diverse, and linked with cultures of local communities and indigenous peoples. They shape landscapes, and support biodiversity and nutrition security worldwide. Currently, these systems are playing an important for providing ecosystem services, sustaining the livelihoods of 1.1 billion people living in the world’s mountains...

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United Nations General Assembly Report: Sustainable mountain development (2022)

United Nations General Assembly Report: Sustainable mountain development (2022)

Report of the Secretary-General on Sustainable Mountain Development

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The International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development 2022: an opportunity to promote action for mountains

The International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development 2022: an opportunity to promote action for mountains

On 16 December 2021, the United Nations (UN) General Assembly proclaimed 2022 as the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development (IYM2022) at the proposal of the Kyrgyz Government.

The UN General Assembly resolution on the IYM2022 was sponsored by 94 governments and invited the Mountain Partnership (MP), in collaboration with...

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Mountain Partnership Secretariat – Annual Report 2021

Mountain Partnership Secretariat – Annual Report 2021

The Mountain Partnership is the United Nations voluntary alliance of partners dedicated to mountain peoples and environments. The Secretariat of the Mountain Partnership is hosted by FAO. This Annual Report outlines the Mountain Partnership Secretariat’s key achievements in promoting sustainable mountain development in 2021. The publication documents the Secretariat’s work...

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Mountains ADAPT: Solutions from East Africa

Mountains ADAPT: Solutions from East Africa

To mark the official launch of the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has published two new booklets, titled Mountains ADAPT. They feature 27 concrete solutions in mountainous areas to adapt to the climate crisis – 18 in East Africa and nine...

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Mountains ADAPT: Solutions from the South Caucasus

Mountains ADAPT: Solutions from the South Caucasus

To mark the official launch of the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has published two new booklets, titled Mountains ADAPT. They feature 27 concrete solutions in mountainous areas to adapt to the climate crisis – 18 in East Africa and nine...

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Vulnerability of mountain peoples to food insecurity infographic

Vulnerability of mountain peoples to food insecurity infographic

Mountain people’s vulnerability to food insecurity in developing countries is increasing.

A study by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification published in 2020 estimates that one in two rural mountain people living in developing countries is vulnerable to food insecurity.


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Briefing note – Mountains in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

Briefing note – Mountains in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

This briefing note was produced by the United Nations Environment Programme in close collaboration with the Secretariat of the Carpathian Convention, the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention, the Mountain Partnership Secretariat, the Mountain Research Initiative, the Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment and GRID-Arendal. It highlights indicators (with a focus on...

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International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development, 2022

International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development, 2022

On 16 December 2021, the United Nations General Assembly adopted by consensus a resolution proclaiming 2022 the International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development at the proposal of the Kyrgyz Government. The resolution was sponsored by 94 governments and invites the Mountain Partnership to facilitate the observance of this Year.


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Mountain tourism – Towards a more sustainable path

Mountain tourism – Towards a more sustainable path

With their soaring peaks, remote locations, and majestic beauty, mountains have long been a powerful attraction for visitors from all walks of life, who are drawn by the often colorful traditions of local communities, the opportunities for sporting activities, and the spiritual solace to be found in highland landscapes.

This study...

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Mountain Partnership: Organic Practices and Participatory Guarantee Systems - Partnership with IFOAM - Organics International

Mountain Partnership: Organic Practices and Participatory Guarantee Systems - Partnership with IFOAM - Organics International

To promote FAO's work in partnership with civil society organizations (CSOs), PSUP has produced partnership briefs to highlight work done in recent years with with some CSO partners. This specific brief highlights the work done together with IFOAM - Organics International through the Mountain Partnership, providing key facts and results...

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Mountains: the water towers of our world – Children’s call to action to protect mountain areas against the impacts of climate change

Mountains: the water towers of our world – Children’s call to action to protect mountain areas against the impacts of climate change

“Children are the future custodians of mountains, and empowering their role through education to be the main actors in addressing climate change is essential,” said Sara Manuelli of the Mountain Partnership Secretariat during a United Nations Climate Change Conference satellite event.

Hosted by the University of Glasgow, the event on 4...

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FAO's Work in Mountains: Building the Road to Recovery for Mountain Peoples


This article was written by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat for the Mountain Research and Development journal. The COVID-19 crisis has added urgency to an already difficult situation in mountains. Mountain communities are highly dependent on agriculture, tourism, and remittances for their survival, and their vulnerabilities to a range of challenges—including...

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Cultural and spiritual significance of nature: Guidance for protected and conserved area governance and management

Cultural and spiritual significance of nature: Guidance for protected and conserved area governance and management

The cultural and spiritual significance of nature has been defined as the spiritual, cultural, inspirational, aesthetic, historic and social meanings, values, feelings, ideas and associations that natural features and nature in general have for past, present and future generations of people – both individuals and groups. These guidelines respond to...

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Mountain Partnership Secretariat Annual Report 2020

Mountain Partnership Secretariat Annual Report 2020

The Mountain Partnership Secretariat Annual Report outlines key achievements in promoting sustainable mountain development last year in its 2020 annual report. The publication documents the Secretariat’s work in the areas of advocacy, communication, and knowledge management, promoting International Mountain Day, brokering joint action, and leading capacity development initiatives. This publication...

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Mountain farming systems – seeds for the future

Mountain farming systems – seeds for the future

This publication presents a collection of case studies by Mountain Partnership (MP) members from around the world, highlighting experiences of agroecological mountain farming systems. It aims to increase attention toward agroecological principles and approaches and showcase their potential. The MP, the only United Nations global voluntary alliance dedicated to sustainable...

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White/Wiphala Paper on Indigenous Peoples' food systems

White/Wiphala Paper on Indigenous Peoples

This White/Wiphala paper on Indigenous Peoples’ food systems is the result of collective work by Indigenous Peoples’ representatives and experts, scientists, researchers, and UN staff. Over 47 different units, organizations and institutions, including the Mountain Partnership Secretariat, have contributed to the Paper from the seven socio-cultural regions. This final version...

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Glaciers of the Himalayas: Climate Change, Black Carbon, and Regional Resilience

Glaciers of the Himalayas: Climate Change, Black Carbon, and Regional Resilience

Melting glaciers and the loss of seasonal snow pose significant risks to the stability of water resources in South Asia. The 55 000 glaciers in the Himalaya, Karakoram and Hindu Kush mountain ranges store more freshwater than any region outside of the North and South Poles. Their ice reserves feed...

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Indicators for Elevating Mountains in the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

Indicators for Elevating Mountains in the Convention on Biological Diversity’s Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

In November 2020, the CBD Subsidiary Body On Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (CBD/SBSTTA/24/3Add.13) released a set of indicators to support the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. This brief highlights the indicators considered important for safeguarding mountain biodiversity and ecosystem integrity, in line with previous policy recommendations presented at the...

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Including mountains in the CBD Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

Including mountains in the CBD Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

Mountains are vital for the conservation of biodiversity, and mountain people are critical to managing and protecting biodiversity. In this policy note, the Mountain Partnership calls on the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to ensure that mountains are explicitly included in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and...

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Highlighting sustainable food systems in mountains for the UN Food Systems Summit 2021

Highlighting sustainable food systems in mountains for the UN Food Systems Summit 2021

As a contribution to the discussion on sustainable food systems in mountains in the lead up to the 2021 UN Food Systems Summit, an info sheet has been developed by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat and Theresa Tribaldos, Centre for Development and Environment.

Mountain agriculture and food production sustain the livelihoods of...

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Ecosystem Restoration Playbook: A practical guide to healing the planet

Ecosystem Restoration Playbook: A practical guide to healing the planet

People and the planet are only as healthy as the ecosystems we all depend on. Bringing degraded ecosystems back to life – for example by planting trees, cleaning up riverbanks or simply giving nature space to recover – increases their benefits to society and biodiversity. Without reviving ecosystems, we cannot...

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Promoting Mountain Biodiversity Through Sustainable Value Chains

Promoting Mountain Biodiversity Through Sustainable Value Chains

This article was written by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat for the Mountain Research and Development journal. The article outlines the ways in which mountain biodiversity matters for us all and details the actions of the Mountain Partnership Secretariat at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to promote...

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Vulnerability of mountain peoples to food insecurity: updated data and analysis of drivers

Vulnerability of mountain peoples to food insecurity: updated data and analysis of drivers

This study, the third of its type published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), adds further evidence that in mountain regions of developing countries, food insecurity, social isolation, environmental degradation, exposure to the risk of disasters and to the impacts of climate change, and limited...

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Mountain Partnership Steering Committee 2020 Summary Report


Mountain Partnership Steering Committee 2020 Summary Report


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Mountain Recipes: Cooks in High Places

Mountain Recipes: Cooks in High Places

In this recipe book, we feature the top 30 recipes from the International Mountain Day 2019 contest, organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Mountain Partnership Secretariat to help promote mountain products and cultural traditions. Over 70 entries were received from 27 countries.

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Mountain Partnership Annual Report 2019

Mountain Partnership Annual Report 2019

The Mountain Partnership Secretariat Annual Report outlines key achievements in promoting sustainable mountain development last year in its 2019 annual report. The publication documents the Secretariat’s work in the areas of advocacy, communication and knowledge management, promoting International Mountain Day, brokering joint action and leading capacity development initiatives. This publication...

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Agenda: High-level Political Forum (HLPF) 2020 Side Event, "Mountains and the decade of action and delivery"


High-level Political Forum (HLPF) 2020 Side Event: "Mountains and the decade of action and delivery"


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Living Chapel launch event agenda


Living Chapel launch event agenda


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Mountain Partnership Governance and Strategy (2018-2021)

Mountain Partnership Governance and Strategy (2018-2021)

This document presents the Mountain Partnership strategy and governance for the period 2018 to 2021.


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How to better include mountain areas in the next programming period? A step-by-step factsheet for managing authorities


Euromontana has created a timely factsheet to better consider mountain areas’ specificities and needs to address the challenges faced by managing authorities of mountain communities. Available in English and French, the factsheet gives recommendations on all steps of the design and implementation of operational programmes for mountain areas.


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FAO Assists in Enhancing the Resilience of Mountain Communities and Environments

FAO Assists in Enhancing the Resilience of Mountain Communities and Environments

This article was written by the Mountain Partnership Secretariat Coordinator Yuka Makino for the Mountain Research and Development journal. The article outlines the ways in which the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has played a leading role in sustainable mountain development within the United Nations system.


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Elevating Mountains in the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework 2.0

Elevating Mountains in the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework 2.0

With the Aichi Biodiversity Targets coming to an end in 2020, the world is preparing for a new set of ambitious biodiversity targets and goals to follow. This brief, prepared for the second Open-Ended Working Group meeting on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework in February 2020, highlights how mountains are...

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2020 Booklet of Good Practices for vibrant European mountains


To celebrate the start of 2020, Euromontana – the European Association of Mountain Areas - published a new booklet of good practices. This brochure is the result of the exchange of good practices carried out by Euromontana in 2019 and aims at showcasing innovative initiatives for the development of...

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Shaping the water-energy-food nexus for resilient mountain livelihoods

Shaping the water-energy-food nexus for resilient mountain livelihoods

This new Issue Brief from the Center for Development and Environment explores whether a water-energy-food nexus approach offers a way to identify forward-looking options and policies to strengthen the livelihoods and resilience of people living in our changing mountains. The Issue Brief was funded by the Austrian Development Agency and...

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Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 19 December 2019: Sustainable mountain development

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 19 December 2019: Sustainable mountain development

Report of the Secretary-General on Sustainable Mountain Development


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WMO High Mountain Summit Call to Action: Avoiding the Impending Crisis in Mountain Weather, Climate, Snow, Ice and Water - Pathways to a Sustainable Global Future

WMO High Mountain Summit Call to Action: Avoiding the Impending Crisis in Mountain Weather, Climate, Snow, Ice and Water - Pathways to a Sustainable Global Future

The participants at the High Mountain Summit 2019 following engaging presentations and inter- and trans-disciplinary dialogues, have committed to the goal that people living in mountains and those living downstream shall have open access to and use of ‘fit-for-purpose’ hydrological, meteorological and climate information services that address their need to...

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Celebrating best practice: Expo 2020 selects 25 development projects providing tangible solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges


This press release, issued by Expo 2020 Dubai, announces the 25 chosen Global Best Practice Programme projects, including the Mountain Partnership Products (MPP) Initiative.


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Elevating Mountains in the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

Elevating Mountains in the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

With the Aichi Biodiversity Targets coming to an end in 2020, the world is preparing for a new set of ambitious biodiversity targets and goals to follow. This brief, prepared ahead of the first Open-Ended Working Group meeting on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework in August 2019, highlights how mountains...

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United Nations General Assembly Report: Sustainable mountain development (2019)

United Nations General Assembly Report: Sustainable mountain development (2019)

Report of the Secretary-General on Sustainable Mountain Development


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Science Magazine, Policy Forum: "Accelerating the movement for mountain peoples and policies"

Science Magazine, Policy Forum: "Accelerating the movement for mountain peoples and policies"

Yuka Makino, Sara Manuelli and Lindsey Hook from the Mountain Partnership authored this article for Science, a peer-reviewed, academic journal produced by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The article covers the current movement for mountain peoples and policies, details how these policies have far-reaching impacts on those...

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Mountain agriculture: Opportunities for harnessing Zero Hunger in Asia

Mountain agriculture: Opportunities for harnessing Zero Hunger in Asia

Around 300 million mountain people are food insecure, with half of them suffering from chronic hunger. Yet, mountain agriculture offers enormous opportunities for zero hunger. This comprehensive publication conveys priority and entry points to turn the potential of mountain agriculture into real benefits for the Asian region. The publication provides...

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Mountain Partnership Secretariat Annual Report 2018

Mountain Partnership Secretariat Annual Report 2018

The Mountain Partnership Secretariat Annual Report outlines key achievements in promoting sustainable mountain development last year in its 2018 annual report. The publication documents the Secretariat’s work in the areas of advocacy, communication and knowledge management, promoting International Mountain Day, brokering joint action and leading capacity development initiatives. This publication...

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Mountain Partnership Products: Labelling mountain products for an ethical, fair and organic future

Mountain Partnership Products: Labelling mountain products for an ethical, fair and organic future

Mountain Partnership Products: Labelling mountain products for an ethical, fair and organic future


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The Ranikhet Declaration


Mountain Partnership Products (MPP) initiative representatives agreed to a number of measures to establish a global Mountain Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) which intends to protect sustainable farming practices of small-holder farmers in mountain regions.


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Migration and Sustainable Mountain Development: Turning Challenges into Opportunities

Migration and Sustainable Mountain Development: Turning Challenges into Opportunities

This issue is part of the Sustainable Mountain Development Series published by Mountain Research and Development, the leading international scientific journal specifically devoted to sustainable development in the world’s mountains. This edition of the publication concerns rural populations' migrations: its challenges and complexities, and how to implement policies.

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A Call for Mountains


A Call for Mountains is a declaration published by the participants of the World Mountain Forun in Bishkek, Kygryzstan. 


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The Suusamyr Declaration


The future of mountain indigenous peoples depends above all on the maintenance of the sacred relationship between our cultures and water, air, plants, pastures, animals, mountains, and respect for the wisdom of our elders and the sacred position of women.



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Mountain Glaciers: Vanishing Sources of Water and Life

Mountain Glaciers: Vanishing Sources of Water and Life

Mountain glaciers are among the most visible and emblematic indicators of climate change. Worldwide, glaciers are losing mass at unprecedented rates – a process that has accelerated in recent decades, with record losses in the 21st century. As an effect of widespread glacier shrinkage, the high mountains of the world...

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Leaving No One in Mountains Behind

Leaving No One in Mountains Behind

The MRI and the Center for Development and Environment (CDE) present initial steps towards localization of the 2030 Agenda to mountain areas. To support this localization process, expert assessments were were conducted in Nepal, Uganda, Kyrgyzstan, Ecuador, and Switzerland based on the following questions: What SDG targets have a high priority in...

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Africa Regional Mountains Forum 2018 event report



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Our Journey in 2017: Mountain Partnership Secretariat Annual Report

Our Journey in 2017: Mountain Partnership Secretariat Annual Report

The Mountain Partnership Secretariat Annual Report outlines its key achievements in promoting sustainable mountain development last year in its 2017 annual report. The publication documents the Secretariat’s work in the areas of advocacy, communication and knowledge management, promoting International Mountain Day, brokering joint action and leading capacity development initiatives

Compiled by...

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Sustainability of Smallholder Livelihoods in the Ecuadorian Highlands

Sustainability of Smallholder Livelihoods in the Ecuadorian Highlands

Smallholder farming constitutes an important but marginalized sector, responsible for most of the world’s agricultural production. This has a significant influence in the land use and land cover change process and agrobiodiversity conservation, especially in mountainous regions of developing countries. The maintenance of sustainable smallholder farming systems represents a key...

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Mountain Watersheds and Ecosystem Services: Balancing multiple demands of forest management in head-watersheds

Mountain Watersheds and Ecosystem Services: Balancing multiple demands of forest management in head-watersheds

The European Forestry Commission Working Party on the Management of Mountain Watersheds (EFC WPMMW) met  for its 30th session in Pieve Tesino, Italy on 22-24 September 2015. The session focused on "Mountain Watersheds and Ecosystem Services: Balancing multiple demands of forest management in head-watersheds". The following publication is the proceedings...

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Study on Collection and Utilisation of Minor Forest Produces by Mountain Women

Study on Collection and Utilisation of Minor Forest Produces by Mountain Women

The study was conducted on 107 women villagers from four villages in Dhanaulti in Uttarakhand, India for qualitative and quantitative measurement of collection and utilisation of Minor Forest Produces (MFP) by women. Mountain women regularly collect fuelwood, fodder grass, leaves and vegetables, fruits and flowers, medicinal plants and branches from...

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15 years of Mountain Partnership

15 years of Mountain Partnership

This publication celebrates the work of the Mountain Partnership - the only United Nations alliance dedicated to improving the lives of mountain communities and their ecosystems - over 15 years. It profiles key players, charts the achievements at global, regional and national level, and showcases success stories around the world....

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Watershed management in action

Watershed management in action

This study reviewed the achievements, and also the shortcomings, of 12 watershed management projects technically supported by FAO over the past decade, with a view to learning from experience. Unlike sectoral development approaches, watershed management involves examining the interactions among various natural processes and land uses and managing land, water...

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Mountain Ecosystem Services and Climate Change: A Global Overview of Potential Threats and Strategies for Adaptation

Mountain Ecosystem Services and Climate Change: A Global Overview of Potential Threats and Strategies for Adaptation

Mountains provide vital resources to a significant proportion of the global population, particularly as the ‘water towers’ of the world, and as a result of their high biological diversity at genetic, species and ecosystem levels. As well as benefiting people and industries in lowland areas, these ecosystem services (ES) form...

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2030 Agenda for Mountains - Framework for Action

2030 Agenda for Mountains - Framework for Action

On International Mountain Day (11 December) 2017, a Framework for Action to support concrete actions, put in place long-lasting processes, and establish policies to strengthen the resilience of mountain peoples and environments was launched at the fifth Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership. The Framework will aim to ensure that sustainable...

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Le Programme 2030 pour les Montagnes - Cadre d’action


On International Mountain Day (11 December) 2017, a Framework for Action to support concrete actions, put in place long-lasting processes, and establish policies to strengthen the resilience of mountain peoples and environments was launched at the fifth Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership. The Framework will aim to ensure that sustainable...

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Повестки Дня На Период До 2030 Года Для Гор - Рамочная программа действий


On International Mountain Day (11 December) 2017, a Framework for Action to support concrete actions, put in place long-lasting processes, and establish policies to strengthen the resilience of mountain peoples and environments was launched at the fifth Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership. The Framework will aim to ensure that sustainable...

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La Agenda 2030 para las Montañas - Marco de acción


On International Mountain Day (11 December) 2017, a Framework for Action to support concrete actions, put in place long-lasting processes, and establish policies to strengthen the resilience of mountain peoples and environments was launched at the fifth Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership. The Framework will aim to ensure that sustainable...

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Stepping up for mountains: Mountain Partnership Secretariat Annual Report 2016

Stepping up for mountains: Mountain Partnership Secretariat Annual Report 2016

The Mountain Partnership Secretariat outlines its key achievements in promoting sustainable mountain development last year in its 2016 annual report. The publication documents the Secretariat’s work in the areas of advocacy, communication and knowledge management, promoting International Mountain Day, brokering joint action and leading capacity development initiatives. The 60-page publication...

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FAO's Work in Sustainable Mountain Development and Watershed Management—A 2017 Update


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) provides an update on its activities related to sustainable mountain development and watershed management in this 2017 platform statement published in Volume 37, Issue 2 (May 2017) of Mountain Research and Development.


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Keeping an Eye on SDG 15

Keeping an Eye on SDG 15

This publication presents the three forest-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicators for which the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is the custodian agency, including SDG indicator 15.4.2, the Mountain Green Cover Index. It contains 3-4 pages for each indicator, covering the following: a) context of goal...

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Vidas y medios de subsistencia más seguros en las montañas: cómo lograr que el Marco de Sendai para la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres trabaje para el desarrollo sostenible de las regiones de montaña

Vidas y medios de subsistencia más seguros en las montañas: cómo lograr que el Marco de Sendai para la Reducción del Riesgo de Desastres trabaje para el desarrollo sostenible de las regiones de montaña

Muchas personas en las montañas son vulnerables y están expuestas a múltiples amenazas naturales, dado que los espacios seguros para vivir son limitados y a menudo cercanos a las zonas de riesgo. La frecuencia y magnitud de los desastres está aumentando, con factores agravantes como el crecimiento poblacional, la urbanización,...

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Safer lives and livelihoods in mountains: making the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction work for sustainable mountain development

Safer lives and livelihoods in mountains: making the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction work for sustainable mountain development

Many mountain peoples are vulnerable and exposed to multiple natural hazards. Safe living space is limited and often close to hazard zones. The frequency and magnitude of disasters is increasing, with contributing factors including population growth, urbanization, economic development, ecosystem degradation and climate change. There is growing competition for safe...

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Trees, forests and water: cool insights for a hot world

Trees, forests and water: cool insights for a hot world

Forests’ many life-sustaining functions as prime regulators within the water, energy and carbon cycles are still not universally recognized, a fact that the world ignores at its peril, a new article cautions. To address climate change and land misuse, global action should be realigned to prioritize trees’ and forests’ key...

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Sustainable value chains for sustainable food systems

Sustainable value chains for sustainable food systems

The joint FAO/UNEP workshop on Sustainable Value Chains for Sustainable Food Systems was organized by the Sustainable Food Systems Programme and held on 8–9 June 2016 at FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy. This report details the workshop and contains a paper about the Mountain Partnership Products Initiative, contributed by the Mountain Partnership...

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La Cooperazione Italiana Informa

La Cooperazione Italiana Informa

The October 2016 edition of the Italian Development Cooperation’s newsletter “La Cooperazione Italiana Informa” featured a one-page article by Giorgio Grussu of the MPS about the launch of a new voluntary label for mountain products.

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United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2016)

United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2016)

Resolution adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on Sustainable mountain development at 71st Session. A/71/463/Add.10


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United Nations General Assembly Report: Sustainable mountain development (2016)

United Nations General Assembly Report: Sustainable mountain development (2016)

Report of the Secretary-General on Sustainable Mountain Development


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Our Journey in 2015: Mountain Partnership Secretariat Annual Report

Our Journey in 2015: Mountain Partnership Secretariat Annual Report

The Mountain Partnership Secretariat (MPS) outlines its key achievements in promoting sustainable mountain development (SMD) in its 2015 annual report. The annual report describes the Secretariat’s work in advocacy, communication and knowledge management, promoting International Mountain Day, brokering joint action and leading capacity development initiatives. One of the its most...

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Investing in Sustainable Mountain Development - Opportunities, Resources and Benefits

Investing in Sustainable Mountain Development - Opportunities, Resources and Benefits

Achieving the ambitious goals formulated in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls for future investments in mountain regions. Mountains support the livelihoods of millions of people who live in them as well as in the lowlands. But in many mountain regions, development lags behind and poverty rates are high....

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Mapping the vulnerability of mountain peoples to food insecurity

Mapping the vulnerability of mountain peoples to food insecurity

For millions of people living in mountainous areas, hunger and the threat of hunger are nothing new. Harsh climates and the difficult, often inaccessible terrain, combined with political and social marginality make mountain peoples vulnerable to food shortages.

One in three mountain people in developing countries is...

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Dushanbe Forum of Mountain Countries - 2015: Water and Mountains

Dushanbe Forum of Mountain Countries - 2015: Water and Mountains

More than 120 representatives of organizations from across Central Asia and from around the world whose work is dedicated to the concerns of mountain societies and environments, gathered in Dushanbe for the first ever Forum of Mountain Countries taking place in Central Asia, to share perspectives and best practices on...

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Green Economy and Institutions for Sustainable Mountain Development: From Rio 1992 to Rio 2012 and beyond

Green Economy and Institutions for Sustainable Mountain Development: From Rio 1992 to Rio 2012 and beyond

This report synthesizes expert findings on the importance of mountain regions for global green development and for achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It illustrates the crucial environmental services that mountains provide, especially relating to water, food and energy. It also highlights fields less commonly associated with mountains, such...

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Understanding mountain soils

Understanding mountain soils

In every mountain region, soils constitute the foundation for agriculture, supporting essential ecosystem functions and food security. Mountain soils benefit not only the 900 million people living in the world’s mountainous areas but also billions more living downstream.

Soil is a fragile resource that needs time to regenerate. Mountain...

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Mountain Farming Is Family Farming

Mountain Farming Is Family Farming

Mountain farming takes many forms – forms as diverse as the world’s mountain landscapes – yet largely remains family farming. These mountain farming activities have traditionally fed and supported individual households although, today, they have begun to expand increasingly toward global markets. Yet, mountain farmers still tend to be driven...

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A Year-long Ascent: Mountain Partnership Secretariat Annual Report 2014

A Year-long Ascent: Mountain Partnership Secretariat Annual Report 2014

The Mountain Partnership Secretariat (MPS) reflects its key achievements in promoting sustainable mountain development (SMD) in its 2014 annual report. Using mountain climbing as an analogy to facing SMD challenges, the annual report outlines its work in advocacy, communication and knowledge management, promoting International Mountain Day, brokering joint action and...

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African Mountains Status Report

African Mountains Status Report

African Mountains Status Report provides an overview of the status, trends and threats facing mountain environments and communities. The 36-page report, produced by Albertine Rift Conservation Society (ARCOS) with financial support from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), comprises five chapters, infographics, case studies...

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Peru: Mountain Country - Facing the Challenges of Climate Change

Peru: Mountain Country - Facing the Challenges of Climate Change

Climate change, especially visible in mountain ecosystems, is causing glaciers to disappear at an alarming rate, threatening millions of lives dependent on freshwater resources originating from the mountains in Peru.

A bilingual publication titled Peru: Mountain Country / Facing the Challenges of Climate Change, written in English and Spanish, provides testimonies and...

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Mountains and Climate Change - A global concern

Mountains and Climate Change - A global concern

Mountains are among the regions most affected by climate change. The implications of climate change will reach far beyond mountain areas, as the contributions in the present publication prepared for the 20th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Lima,...

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Cordillera de Los Andes

Cordillera de Los Andes

"Cordillera de Los Andes, una oportunidad para la integración y desarrollo de América del Sur", or "The Andes, an opportunity for integration and development in South America” describes a regional coordination mechanism being developed by six Andean countries as the result of a project coordinated by the Mountain Partnership Seceretariat...

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Tourism in Mountain Regions - Hopes, Fears and Realities

Tourism in Mountain Regions - Hopes, Fears and Realities

Mountain regions across the globe are important tourist destinations. Today, there is practically no region in the world where the special qualities of mountains are not acknowledged by tourists. For many mountain regions, tourism has become an important economic resource, bringing new jobs and incomes, and supporting traditional systems that would otherwise be in serious...

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Mountains as the water towers of the world: A call for action on the sustainable development goals (SDGs)

Mountains as the water towers of the world: A call for action on the sustainable development goals (SDGs)

Mountains as the water towers of the world: A call for action on the sustainable development goals (SDGs)
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Mountains and the Sustainable Development Goals – a call to action

Mountains and the Sustainable Development Goals – a call to action

Mountains and the Sustainable Development Goals – a call to action

Download in English, French, SpanishRussian

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Why Mountains Matter for Energy – a call to action on the sustainable development goals

Why Mountains Matter for Energy – a call to action on the sustainable development goals

Why Mountains Matter for Energy – a call to action on the sustainable development goals

Download in ArabicEnglishFrenchRussian, Spanish

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Why Mountains Matter for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction – a call to action on the sustainable development goals

Why Mountains Matter for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction – a call to action on the sustainable development goals

Why Mountains Matter for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction – a call to action on the sustainable development goals

Download in English, French, Spanish

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Why Mountains Matter for Forests and Biodiversity – a call to action on the sustainable development goals

Why Mountains Matter for Forests and Biodiversity – a call to action on the sustainable development goals

Why Mountains Matter for Forests and Biodiversity – a call to action on the sustainable development goals

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United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2014)

 United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2014)

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on Sustainable mountain development at 68th Session.


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Report of the Fourth Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership (Erzurum Report)

Report of the Fourth Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership (Erzurum Report)

The Fourth Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership was held in Erzurum, Turkey on 17-20 September 2013, and attended by 110 participants, representing 95 MP members, including 35 governments and a further 35 participants from the host country, Turkey. The meeting comprised an opening session, a general assembly of the...

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High-Altitude Rangelands and their Interfaces in the Hindu Kush Himalayas

High-Altitude Rangelands and their Interfaces in the Hindu Kush Himalayas

This publication, issued on the 30th anniversary of the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), contains a collection of papers and scholarly articles by ecologists, natural resource managers, and other professionals working on the high-altitude rangelands of the Hindu Kush Himalayan region. The interfaces between high-altitude rangelands and other...

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Mountain Farming is Family Farming

Mountain Farming is Family Farming

Mountain farming takes many forms – forms as diverse as the world’s mountain landscapes – yet largely remains family farming. These mountain farming activities have traditionally fed and supported individual households although, today, they have begun to expand increasingly toward global markets. Yet, mountain farmers still tend to be driven...

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Mountains: Our Life, Our Future – Progress and perspectives on sustainable mountain development

Mountains: Our Life, Our Future – Progress and perspectives on sustainable mountain development

Based on ten regional reports prepared for the Rio+20 conference, this 89-page global report  examines the environmental and social issues at stake in the world’s mountains over the last twenty years. It explains why mountains matter in the Andes, Meso-America, North America, Africa, the Middle East and North Africa, the...

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Mountain Partnership Governance and Strategy (2014-2017)

Mountain Partnership Governance and Strategy (2014-2017)

This document, which is based on the experiences and lessons learned from the last ten years, presents the Mountain Partnership strategy and governance for the period 2014 to 2017. It was developed through a consultative process with MP members and finalized in September 2013.


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Partenariat de la montagne - Gouvernance et de stratégie (2014-2017)


Sur la base des expériences et des leçons tirées de ces 10 dernières années, ce document entend présenter la stratégie et la gouvernance du PM pour la période 2014-2017. Ce document a été développé à travers un processus consultatif entre les membres du Partenariat de la montagne et a été...

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Alianza para las Montañas - Gestión Operativa y Estrategia (2014-2017)


En el presente documento, estructurado a partir de las experiencias y enseñanzas extraídas durante estos 10 años, se expone la estrategia y  la gestión operativa para el período 2014–2017. Este documento ha nacido a través de un proceso consultivo entre los miembros de la Alianza para las Montañas y se...

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United Nations General Assembly Report: Sustainable mountain development (2013)


Report of the Secretary-General on Sustainable Mountain Development

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Forests and Water: International Momentum and Action

Forests and Water: International Momentum and Action

Forests play a crucial role in the hydrological cycle. A key challenge faced by land, forest and water managers is to maximize the wide range of forest benefits without detriment to water resources and ecosystem function. With partners, FAO is working to develop a comprehensive and practical international forests and...

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Memoria del taller de Crianza del agua

Memoria del taller de Crianza del agua

The National Secretariat for Risk Management, the Ministry of Environment Ecuador, and the United Nations Program for Development supported this initiative to recover ancestral knowledge about adaptation strategies used in Download »

Mountains: Key Players for Global Sustainable Development


Mountains: Key Players for Global Sustainable Development


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Teaching Resource Kit for Mountain Countries (UNESCO)

Teaching Resource Kit for Mountain Countries (UNESCO)

This environmental education kit for mountain countries is intended for secondary (and late primary) school teachers and their pupils.

Prepared by UNESCO’s Division of Ecological and Earth Sciences under its Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme, the kit offers a creative approach to environmental education and is designed to...

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Why invest in sustainable mountain development? (FAO)

Why invest in sustainable mountain development? (FAO)

Mountains cover approximately on-quarter of the word's surface and are home to 12 percent of the human population. By providing freshwater and other key environmental services to more than half of humanity, mountain ecosystem play a crucial role in the development of the planet and contribute significantly to the well-being...


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Executive Summary of the Mountain Partnership Task Force (2012)


The Task Force meeting took place in the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs during 29-31 October 2012. The aim of this event was to take stock of the achievements and challenges experienced by the Mountain Partnership (MP) during the last ten years, during which the attention to mountains and mountain...

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FAO's Current Engagement in Sustainable Mountain Development (FAO)


Mountain ecosystems and watersheds are essential for long-term sustainable global development and poverty alleviation and can make an important contribution to climate change adaptation and mitigation. Freshwater, rich biodiversity, and other natural resources provided by mountains are vital for the livelihood of billions of people. However, recent environmental, economic, and...

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Producción orgánica de cultivos andinos (FAO)

Este manual es el producto de la sistematización de los saberes ancestrales que aún se practican en el área de la Unión de Organizaciones Campesinas del Norte de Cotopaxi (Ecuador) y de la revisión de otros valiosos trabajos realizados en los Andes ecuatorianos, donde la FAO, contando con...
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Sustainable Mountain Development, Green Economy and Institutions: From Rio 1992 to Rio 2012 and beyond Global Report (2012) - Final Draft for Rio+20

Sustainable Mountain Development, Green Economy and Institutions: From Rio 1992 to Rio 2012 and beyond Global Report (2012) - Final Draft for Rio+20

In 1992, at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development – commonly referred to as ‘Rio 1992’ or ‘the Rio Earth Summit’ – mountains received unexpected high political attention. They were granted a chapter in the ‘Agenda 21’ as fragile ecosystems that matter for humankind.

In view of the UN Conference Rio+20 –...

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The Future We Want: Outcome document adopted at Rio+20 - Mountains (2012)


United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain ... The Future We WantOutcome document adopted at Rio+20 - Mountains (2012).


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Why the Alps matter

Why the Alps matter

Policy brief presented at Rio+20


The Alps are a coherent mountain region covering 190,568 km2 across eight countries, with a population of 14 million. Their central location in western Europe gives them many important roles for the continent. The Alpine economy is based on a symbiosis of...

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Why mountains of the Middle East and North Africa matter

Why mountains of the Middle East and North Africa matter

Policy brief presented at Rio+20



Mountains of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region are important for sustainable development in national, regional and global contexts. The goods and key ecosystem services provided by these mountains are vital for the sustainable development....

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Why the Central Asian mountains matter

Why the Central Asian mountains matter

Policy brief presented at Rio+20


The Central Asian mountains provide an astonishing array of essential ecosystem goods and services not only to mountain inhabitants but also to people in the lowlands and around the globe. These goods and services include forest products and land for food production;...

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Why the Hindu Kush Himalaya matters

Why the Hindu Kush Himalaya matters

Policy brief presented at Rio+20


As the ‘water tower of Asia’, the Hindu Kush Himalayan (HKH) mountains are the source of 10 major river systems and provide vital ecosystem goods and services to more than 1.4 billion people. The region includes four global biodiversity hotspots, 488 protected...

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Why mountains of the Southeast Asia and Pacific region matter

Why mountains of the Southeast Asia and Pacific region matter

Policy brief presented at Rio+20


Mountains of the Southeast Asia and Pacific (SEAP) region spread across mainland Asia and the island/archipelagic states in the Pacific Ocean. These countries host one of the world’s highest and most severely threatened biodiversity and gene pools. Many of the region’s indigenous...

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Why mountains matter in global sustainable development

Why mountains matter in global sustainable development

Policy brief presented at Rio+20


Mountains provide vital goods and services for the benefit of all humankind, for supporting sustainable development at a global level, and for moving the world towards a greener economy. But provision of these goods and services is at risk. The global...

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Why mountains matter for North America

Why mountains matter for North America

Policy brief presented at Rio+20


North America’s mountains are a primary source of fresh water. Other natural resources, such as coal and natural gas, are pillars of North American energy economies. The recreation and tourism industry – the lifeblood of many mountain communities – contributes significant revenues...

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Why the Andes matter

Why the Andes matter

Policy brief presented at Rio+20


The Andes, covering 33% of the area of the Andean countries, are vital for the livelihoods of the majority of the region’s population and the countries’ economies. However, increasing pressure, fuelled by growing population numbers, changes in land use, unsustainable exploitation of...

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Why mountains matter for Meso America

Why mountains matter for Meso America

Policy brief presented at Rio+20


Mountains in Meso America cover 25.2% of the region and hold a remarkable 12% of the world’s biodiversity on only about 2% of the earth’s land surface. A total of 86 indigenous ethnic groups occupy 54.2% of the mountain territories. The greatest...

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Why Mountains Matter for Africa

Why Mountains Matter for Africa

Policy brief presented at Rio+20


African mountains are highly vulnerable water towers and breadbaskets for the lowlands. Mountain ecosystem services (ES) ensure water-food-energy security and biodiversity conservation and enable sustainable development and poverty eradication at the continent level. In the uncertainty created by climate change, high population...

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Why mountains matter for Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe

Why mountains matter for Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe

Policy brief presented at Rio+20


The mountains of Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe have played a key social, economic and environmental role in the development of the nations and peoples that have resided there since time immemorial. Being both natural barriers and safe havens not only...

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ICIMOD Annual Report 2011 now released

ICIMOD Annual Report 2011 now released

The Annual Report 2011 gives a brief overview of ICIMOD’s activities over the past year including advocating mountain issues in global forums, an international conference on green economy and sustainable mountain development, and important contributions to knowledge of snow and glacier cover and climate change impacts in the...

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ICIMOD Working Paper 2012/4: Towards Developing the Brahmaputra-Salween Landscape : Report on the Experts Regional Consultation for Transboundary Biodiversity Management and Climate Change Adaptation

ICIMOD Working Paper 2012/4: Towards Developing the Brahmaputra-Salween Landscape : Report on the Experts Regional Consultation for Transboundary Biodiversity Management and Climate Change Adaptation

The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) new publication, gives a brief overview of the regional consultation facilitated by ICIMOD and the Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry, Myanmar, to improve collaboration between China, India, and Myanmar in the Brahmaputra-Salween Landscape. The paper gives highlights of the consultation and...

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ICIMOD Working Paper 2012/3: Towards Developing the Karakoram-Pamir Landscape : Report of the Regional Consultation to Develop Future Strategic Programme for Biodiversity Management and Climate Change Adaptation

ICIMOD Working Paper 2012/3: Towards Developing the Karakoram-Pamir Landscape : Report of the Regional Consultation to Develop Future Strategic Programme for Biodiversity Management and Climate Change Adaptation

The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) new publication, gives a brief overview of the regional consultation facilitated by ICIMOD to improve collaboration between China and Pakistan in the Karakoram-Pamir Landscape. The paper gives highlights of the consultation held in December in Kathmandu, Nepal and lists past efforts made...

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The way to Rio+20: Legal Best Practices on Climate Change Policy

The way to Rio+20: Legal Best Practices on Climate Change Policy

With Rio+20 negotiations approaching, the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) and the Centre for International Sustainable development Law (CISDL), release their Compendium of Legal Best Practices on Climate Change Policy. The purpose of this Compendium is to highlight the challenges that domestic governments face in implementing their international commitments to...

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Climate Change and Biodiversity in the Tropical Andes

Climate Change and Biodiversity in the Tropical Andes

The threats to the unique biodiversity of the Tropical Andes, from global climate change and human population growth lead to a new publication, “Climate Change and Biodiversity in the Tropical Andes”, edited by Sebastian K. Herzog, Rodney Martinez, Peter M. Jørgensen, Holm Tiessen. The volume, a product of the project...

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United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2012)

United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2012)

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on Sustainable mountain development at the 66th Session. A/RES/66/205


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Sustainable Mountain Development in North America: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond

Sustainable Mountain Development in North America: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond

Regional report on sustainable mountain development in North America ahead of the Rio+20 summit in 2012.



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Sustainable Mountain Development in Central Asia: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond

Sustainable Mountain Development in Central Asia: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond

Regional report on sustainable mountain development in Central Asia ahead of the Rio+20 summit.


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Sustainable Mountain Development in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond

Sustainable Mountain Development in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond

Regional report on sustainable mountain development in central, eastern and south eastern Europe ahead of the Rio+20 summit.


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Sustainable Mountain Development in Meso America: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond

Sustainable Mountain Development in Meso America: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond

Regional report on sustainable mountain development in Meso America ahead of the Rio+20 summit.

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Sustainable Mountain Development in the Alps: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond

Sustainable Mountain Development in the Alps: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond

Regional report on sustainable mountain development in the Alps ahead of the Rio+20 summit.

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Sustainable Mountain Development in the Andes: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond

Sustainable Mountain Development in the Andes: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond

Regional report on sustainable mountain development in the Andes ahead of the Rio+20 summit.

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Sustainable Mountain Development in the Hindu-Kush Himalaya: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond

Sustainable Mountain Development in the Hindu-Kush Himalaya: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond

Regional report on sustainable mountain development in the Hindu Kush Himalaya ahead of the Rio+20 summit.

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Sustainable Mountain Development in the Middle East and North Africa: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond

Sustainable Mountain Development in the Middle East and North Africa: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond

Regional report on sustainable mountain development in the Middle East and North Africa ahead of the Rio+20 summit.

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From From Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond: 20 Years of Sustainable Mountain Development in Africa

From From Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond: 20 Years of Sustainable Mountain Development in Africa

Regional report on sustainable mountain development in Africa ahead of the Rio+20 summit.


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Mountain Forests in a Changing World

Mountain Forests in a Changing World

The integrity and resilience of mountain forests is under threat from increasing temperatures and wildfires, population growth and food and fuel insecurity, lead to “Mountain Forests in a Changing World”, a new FAO publication. The report, jointly produced by the FAO-hosted Mountain Partnership Secretariat and the Swiss Agency for Development...

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Sustainable Mountain Development in Southeast Asia and Pacific: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond

Sustainable Mountain Development in Southeast Asia and Pacific: from Rio 1992 to 2012 and beyond

Regional report on sustainable mountain development in Southeast Asia and Pacific ahead of the Rio+20 summit.

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Highlands and Drylands: Mountains, a Source of Resilience in Arid Regions

Highlands and Drylands: Mountains, a Source of Resilience in Arid Regions

Recognizing the crucial role of Dryland Mountains - water towers for surrounding dry lowland areas, global change laboratories for monitoring the combined effects of climate and socio-economic changes - in the global discourse on how to redefine and implement a truly sustainable development, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the...

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United Nations General Assembly Report: Sustainable mountain development (2011)


Report of the Secretary-General on Sustainable Mountain Development


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Mountain Biodiversity and Global Change

Mountain Biodiversity and Global Change

The present brochure, published by the Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment (GMBA) of DIVERSITAS, Institute of Botany, University of Basel with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), has been prepared as a contribution to the International Year of Biodiversity 2010 and the Conference of Parties of...

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United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2010)

United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2010)

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on Sustainable mountain development at the 64th Session. A/RES/64/205


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Mountains and Climate Change, from Understanding to Action

Mountains and Climate Change, from Understanding to Action

Mountains provide freshwater to half of the world’s population and are home to half of all global biodiversity hotspots, but they are also among the regions most sensitive to climate change. The authors of this publication, aim to create awareness about potential changes and related challenges for global development, and...

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United Nations General Assembly Report: Sustainable mountain development (2009)


Report of the Secretary-General on Sustainable Mountain Development


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United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2008)

United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2008)

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on Sustainable mountain development at the 60th Session. A/RES/62/196


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United Nations General Assembly Report: Sustainable mountain development (2007)


Report of the Second Committee on Sustainable development: sustainable mountain development 


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United Nations General Assembly Report: Sustainable mountain development (2007)


Report of the Secretary-General on Sustainable Mountain Development

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United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2006)

United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Mountain Development (2006)

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on Sustainable mountain development at the 60th Session. A/RES/60/198

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United Nations General Assembly Report: Sustainable mountain development (2005)


Report of the Secretary-General on Sustainable Mountain Development


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Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: Mountain Systems (2005)


Millennium Ecosystem AssessmentMountain Systems (2005)


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United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Rendering assistance to poor mountain countries to overcome obstacles in socio-economic and ecological areas (2005)


Resolution adopted by the General Assembly at the 59th Session.


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Mountain Partnership Organization, Membership and Governance (2004)

Mountain Partnership Organization, Membership and Governance (2004)

Mountain Partnership Organization, Membership and Governance. This document was developed through a consultative process with the members of the Mountain Partnership and finalized in July 2004.


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Declaration of the Andes (2004)


The Declaration of the Andes, 29 October 2004 was adopted during the Second Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership in Cuzco, Peru.


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The Cusco Framework for Action (2004)


Framework for Action from the Second Global Meeting of the Mountain Partnership in Cusco, Peru - 2004


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United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions (2004)

United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions (2004)

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly at the 58th Session: Sustainable development in mountain regions. A/RES/58/216


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Conclusions of the First Global Meeting of Members of the International Partnership for Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions (2003)


Letter dated 17 October 2003 from the Permanent Representative of Italy to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General: Conclusions of the First Global Meeting of Members of the International Partnership for Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions in Merano, Italy. A/C.2/58/8

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Quito Declaration Charter for World Mountain People (2003)

Quito Declaration Charter for World Mountain People (2003)

The representatives of Mountain Territories from forty countries met on 20 September 2002 in Quito (Ecuador) taking into account the declarations issued at preparatory meetings of Achocalla (August 2002, Bolivia) and Yuksam (April 2002, India), adopted the main points of the following declaration during the 2nd World Meeting of Mountain...

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Towards a GIS-based analysis of mountain environments and populations

Towards a GIS-based analysis of mountain environments and populations

This report presents the results of work in progress. It applies GIS techniques and newly available geo-referenced data to understand conditions underlying poverty and hunger in the world, with special reference to mountain environments and populations. Following the system developed by the United Nations Environment Programme – World Conservation Monitoring...

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United Nations General Assembly Report: International Year of Mountains (2003)


International Year of Mountains, 2002
Note by the Secretary-General


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United Nations General Assembly Resolution: International Year of Mountains (2002)


Resolution adopted by the General Assembly in the 57th Session on International Year of Mountains, 2002. A/RES/57/245


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Bishkek Mountain Platform (2002)


The Bishkek Global Mountain Summit in Kyrgyzstan marked the final global event of the International Year of Mountains. The "Bishkek Mountain Platform", a framework for action which contains recommendations for sustainable mountain development, was adopted at the summit.


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Thimphu Declaration of the Celebrating Mountain Women Conference (2002)


In 2002, ICIMOD organized the international conference ‘Celebrating Mountain Women‘ in Bhutan, as the only global event during the International Year of Mountains to focus on mountain women in the context of sustainable mountain development. It brought together 250 participants from 35 countries...

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Report of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (2002) - Mountains


Mountain paragraphs (pp. 33-4, chapter 42) in the Report of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (2002


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Land-Water Linkages in Rural Watersheds

Land-Water Linkages in Rural Watersheds

"Deforestation in the Himalayas blamed for killer flood" - headlines such as this one from August 2000 suggest that upstream land use practices have important impacts on water resources and affect the people downstream at a watershed scale. Payments by downstream people to upstream people for "environmental services" such as...

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United Nations General Assembly Report: International Year of Mountains (2002)


Interim report on the International Year of Mountains, 2002
Note by the Secretary-General


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Bali Concept Document on International Partnership for Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions (2002)


The Bali Concept Document on an International Partnership for Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions  was adopted during the 4th Session of the Preparatory Committee Meeting for the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Bali, Indonesia, on 3 June 2002.


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United Nations General Assembly Report: Sustainable mountain development (2001)


Report of the Secretary-General on Sustainable Mountain Development

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United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Status of preparation for the International Year of Mountains, 2002 (2001)

 United Nations General Assembly Resolution: Status of preparation for the International Year of Mountains, 2002 (2001)

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly at 55th Session.


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Fish and fisheries at higher altitudes: Asia

Fish and fisheries at higher altitudes: Asia

The thirteen papers presented in this publication review fish stocks and fisheries of mountainous areas of Asia: Himalayas (Bhutan, Nepal, northern states of India within the Himalayas), Western Ghats (India), Karakoram-Hindu Kush (Pakistan, Afghanistan), Pamir (Tajikistan), Tien Shan (Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan), Altai (Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China), high altitude lakes of Mongolia and...

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Environmentally sound forest road construction in mountainous terrain

Environmentally sound forest road construction in mountainous terrain

The study was carried out in semi-natural forests of the Alps in the province of Salzburg, Austria. Although the concept of opening up forests by a permanent road network as a precondition for forest management and utilization of forests in a sustainable manner is widely accepted both to specialists and to...

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United Nations General Assembly Resolution: International Year of Mountains (1998)

United Nations General Assembly Resolution: International Year of Mountains (1998)

Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on Sustainable mountain development at 53rd Session.
19 November 1998

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Unasylva - No. 195 - Moving Mountains

Unasylva - No. 195 - Moving Mountains

Mountains and highlands have always played an important role in the history of humankind. They have been sources of valuable resources - freshwater arguably the most important, refuges, natural barriers, spiritual sanctuaries, and so on. Yet, for the most part, they have been viewed as peripheral to the rest of...

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CBD, Article 20


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United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UFNCCC) preamble



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Chapter 13, Sustainable Mountain Development of the Declaration on Environment and Development “Agenda 21”



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Agenda 21: Chapter 13: Managing fragile ecosystems: sustainable mountain development (1992)


Managing fragile ecosystemssustainable mountain development: United Nations Conference on Environment & Development, Rio de Janerio


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Alpine Convention



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Kathmandu Declaration on Mountain Activities



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