Социальная защита


Work area: Social Protection and Nutrition
Данный инструмент по продовольственной безопасности и питанию Межучрежденческой оценки положения в области социальной защиты (ПБП ISPA) представляет собой основу анализа для оценки того, как инструменты и программы социальной...
The objective of this publication is to work towards a consensus among UN agencies on how best to support countries to achieve progress towards universal social protection in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable...
Work area: Social Protection and Resilience
Country: Malawi
Emerging evidence suggests that rural children, particularly older girls in low-income countries, are at risk of being withdrawn from school when weather-related disasters occur. Identifying actions that...
Work area: Social Protection and Resilience
Did you know that agrifood systems suffer the most from the impacts of disasters? Climate and human-induced disasters, threaten lives, livelihoods and food security. Smallholder farmers are among the most vulnerable to shocks, some of...
Work area: Social Protection and Agriculture
In this paper we focus specifically on differences in the welfare impacts of COVID-19 on rural livelihoods between countries using nationally representative data that we disaggregate by...