Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) Toolbox

Case Details

Viet Nam government decision on allocation of forest land to organizations, households, and individuals for long-term forestry purposes

According to the provisions of this Decision, the following forest land shall be allocated to organizations, households and individuals: (a) land which has natural or planted forest; (b) land which does not have forest but should be afforested through planting, assisted natural regeneration, or protection of the vegetation. The allocation of forest land shall be carried out taking into account: (a) the availability of forest land in different localities; and (b) the management and investment policies and projects to be approved by the competent State authorities. The forests are divided into the following categories: (a) Protection forests, which are to be managed for the protection of the environment in general and which include (i) watershed protection forests, (ii) windbreaks and belts protecting against blowing sand, (iii) forests protecting dykes along rivers and the sea; and (iv) environmental protection forests; (b) Special use forests, including national parks, natural reserves and areas for social and cultural purposes, to be managed for the purpose of environmental preservation; (c) Production forests, to be dedicated to production of logs, other timber and non-timber products, and animal products.
Type of Case
Printed publication (book, sourcebook, journal article…)
Government of Vietnam
Asia Pacific
Forest Type
All forest types (natural and planted)
Primary Designated Function
Multiple use