The production of roundwood in total does not in itself give a clear idea of the flow of timber for industrial purposes. The distribution of Total Roundwood between major components is summarized in Table 12 and provided by sub-region and individual country in Appendix 8. Total roundwood production was reported at 1,150 billion cubic meters for the Asia Pacific Region in 1993, with 919.6 million cubic meters of non-conifer roundwood and 208.2 million cubic meters of conifer roundwood. This represented approximately 34.5 percent of global roundwood production, 44.7 percent of non-conifer roundwood, and 18.5 percent of conifer roundwood. An additional 22 million cubic meters was reported as Charcoal production, accounting for 15.1 percent of global charcoal output.
Table 12. Total Roundwood Production 1993
Total Roundwood Production 1993 (1000 CUM) |
Fuel-Wood |
Industrial Roundwood |
Total |
Conifer |
Non-Conifer |
Charcoal |
1993 |
1993 |
378,663 |
12,033 |
354,042 |
12,588 |
349,084 |
29,579 |
105,997 |
179 |
101,108 |
4,710 |
93,587 |
12,410 |
337,092 |
171,088 |
165,458 |
546 |
209,780 |
129,192 |
282,441 |
641 |
277,780 |
4,020 |
194,617 |
87,823 |
45,652 |
24,224 |
21,230 |
198 |
8,750 |
36,902 |
1,149,845 |
208,165 |
919,618 |
22,062 |
855,818 |
295,906 |
Developed, All |
1,246,056 |
843,853 |
395,631 |
6,572 |
213,108 |
1,032,948 |
Developing, All |
2,087,969 |
284,715 |
1,663,500 |
139,754 |
1,662,748 |
425,221 |
3,334,025 |
1,128,568 |
2,059,131 |
146,326 |
1,875,856 |
1,458,169 |
34.49% |
18.45% |
44.66% |
15.08% |
45.62% |
20.29% |
As shown in Table 12, a significant amount of total roundwood production is classified as fuelwood. For 1993, over 855.8 million cubic meters, or 74.4 percent of total Asia Pacific regional roundwood production, was fuelwood, while 295.9 million cubic meters (25.7 percent) was industrial roundwood. This represented 20.3 percent of total global roundwood.
Fuelwood production was 349 million cubic meters (92.2 percent) for the South Asia sub-region, 209.8 million cubic meters (62.2 percent) for North Asia, and 194.6 million cubic meters for Insular SE Asia (68.9 percent). Although smaller by volume, fuelwood in Continental SE Asia was 93.6 million cubic meters but fully 88.3 percent of sub-region total roundwood production. Only for Oceania-S. Pacific was fuelwood less than two-thirds of total roundwood production (8.8 million cubic meters, 19.2 percent). Fuelwood in India was 262.8 million cubic meters or 91.4 percent. Other countries of this sub-region had equally high shares of fuelwood to total roundwood, although the total volumes were less. China was estimated to have fuelwood production of some 200 million cubic meters, or 67 percent of total roundwood production. For the DPR Korea, fuelwood production of 4.2 million cubic meters was 87.6 percent of total production,. Essentially of Hong Kong's modest roundwood production was fuelwood. Indonesia had fuelwood production of almost 149.1 million cubic meters, or 79.2 percent of all roundwood production. For the Philippines, fuelwood at 36 million cubic meters was 90.9 percent of all roundwood. Papua New Guinea produced 8.2 million cubic meters of roundwood of which 5.5 million cubic meters (67.6 percent) was fuelwood
Trends for non-conifer industrial roundwood are shown in Figure 4 and Table 13 and reported in detail in Appendix 9. Total non-conifer industrial roundwood has fluctuated over the 1980-1994 period, from a low of 157.5 million cubic meters in 1980 to a high of 180.5 million cubic meters in 1992. Production declined in both 1993 and 1994, to a total of 169.8 million cubic meters. Production has declined from 1980 levels for Continental Asia and Oceania-S. Pacific sub-regions, increased only slightly in North Asia, South Asia production increased by approximately 28 percent between 1980 and 1992 before declining slightly in 1993-94. Insular SE Asia production grew from 68 million cubic meters in 1980 to almost 87.1 million cubic meters in 1992,, thereafter falling by 10 million cubic meters to 77.3 million cubic meters in 1994. India and Pakistan accounted for most of the change within the South Asia sub-region, while Viet Nam had the greatest grain in the Continental Asia region, partly off-setting a decline of almost 2 million cubic meters in Thailand. China increased production from 29.2 million cubic meters (1980) to almost 35.7 million cubic meters in 1994, leading the North Temperate Asia sub-region. Japan production declined by almost 50 percent to 6.8 million cubic meters. South Korea and Mongolia also showed proportionately large declines in the production of non-conifer industrial roundwood. Within Insular Asia, Indonesia and Malaysia both increased output, while the Philippines showed a sharp drop. Indonesia production grew from 29.9 million cubic meters in 1980 to 38.3 million cubic meters in 1991, remaining at this level to 1993 and dropped slightly to 37.6 million cubic meters in 1994. Malaysia increased production from 29.1 million cubic meters in 1980 to a peak of 44.8 million cubic meters in 1992, then experienced declines in 1993 and 1994 to 36.2 million cubic meters. Production in Oceania-S. Pacific was essentially constant, declining by 1 million cubic meters between 1980 and 1994. However, declines in Australia, Fiji and New Zealand together exceeded the increase in output in Papua New Guinea from 1.6 million to 2.6 million cubic meters.
Figure 4. Total Non-coniferous Industrial Roundwood Production for the Asia-Pacific Region
Table 13. Regional Non-Conifer Industrial Roundwood Production
Asia Pacific - Regional Summary: Non-Conifer Industrial Roundwood (1000 CUM) | ||||||
1980 |
1985 |
1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
South Asia |
20,339 |
24,629 |
25,726 |
25,847 |
26,067 |
25,745 |
25,676 |
Continental Asia |
12,140 |
12,571 |
12,205 |
12,830 |
12,177 |
11,444 |
10,608 |
North Asia |
42,885 |
48,392 |
43,381 |
41,966 |
42,277 |
43,031 |
43,265 |
Insular SE Asia |
68,063 |
61,851 |
80,935 |
84,072 |
87,083 |
79,690 |
77,273 |
Oceania - S. Pacific |
14,048 |
13,963 |
13,635 |
13,461 |
12,943 |
13,010 |
13,001 |
Asia Pacific Total |
157,475 |
161,406 |
175,882 |
178,176 |
180,547 |
172,920 |
169,823 |
Comparable summary information for the sub-regions of the Asia Pacific Region for conifer industrial roundwood production is included in Figure 5 and Table 14, with sub-region and country detail included in Appendix 10. Total Asia Pacific Regional production increased from 93.9 million cubic meters in 1980 to 116.6 million cubic meters in 1994 with rather steady year to year increases from 1990-94. North Asia production increased by over 10 million cubic meters, from 74.2 million cubic meters to 84.6 million cubic meters. Gains of almost 14 million cubic meters in China were offset by a decline of 2.7 million decline in Japan and almost 750 thousand cubic meters in Mongolia. Oceania-S. Pacific production also increased sharply, from 13.9 million cubic meters in 1980 to almost 25.8 million cubic meters in 1994. Australia more than doubled output from 4 million to 8.9 million cubic meters, while New Zealand production grew from 9.7 million to over 16.7 million cubic meters. Other regional production changes were modest, with Papua New Guinea output falling by almost half to 64 thousand cubic meters and Fiji production tripling from 34 to 114 thousand cubic meters.
In South Asia, India's production remained essentially stable, growing slightly from 1980 to 1985, thereafter remaining near 2.8 million cubic meters. Pakistan's modest production grew from 120 to 438 thousand cubic meters in 1992 and declined to only 327 thousand cubic meters for 1994. Continental Asia production remained near 2.3 million cubic meters over the 1980-1994 period, with Laos production growing to 216 thousand cubic meters while production in Viet Nam declined from 456 thousand cubic meters in 1985 to an estimated 173 thousand cubic meters for 1994. For Insular SE Asia, production in Indonesia declined from a reported 1 million cubic meters in 1980 to approximately 539 thousand during the balance of the covered period. Malaysia production increased to 300 thousand cubic meters in 1990, but has declined to only 211 thousand cubic meters for 1994.
Figure 5. Coniferous Industrial Roundwood Production for the Asia-Pacific Region
Table 14. Conifer Industrial Roundwood Production (Summary)
Asia Pacific - Regional Summary: Non-Conifer Industrial Roundwood (1000 CUM) |
| ||||||
1980 |
1985 |
1990 |
1991 |
1992 |
1993 |
1994 |
South Asia |
20,339 |
24,629 |
25,726 |
25,847 |
26,067 |
25,745 |
25,676 |
Continental Asia |
12,140 |
12,571 |
12,205 |
12,830 |
12,177 |
11,444 |
10,608 |
North Asia |
42,885 |
48,392 |
43,381 |
41,966 |
42,277 |
43,031 |
43,265 |
Insular SE Asia |
68,063 |
61,851 |
80,935 |
84,072 |
87,083 |
79,690 |
77,273 |
Oceania - S. Pacific |
14,048 |
13,963 |
13,635 |
13,461 |
12,943 |
13,010 |
13,001 |
Asia Pacific Total |
157,475 |
161,406 |
175,882 |
178,176 |
180,547 |
172,920 |
169,823 |