Thomas R. Waggener
Christine Lane
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Working Paper No: APFSOS/WP/02
Forestry Policy and Planning Division, Rome
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok
Rome, February 1997
The Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Outlook Study is being undertaken under the auspices of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission. This report comes under Workplan Numbers D18 and D19. |
INFORMATION NOTE ON ASIA-PACIFIC FORESTRY SECTOR OUTLOOK STUDY At its sixteenth session held in Yangon, Myanmar, in January 1996, the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission, which has membership open to all governments in the Asia-Pacific region, decided to carry out an outlook study for forestry with horizon year 2010. The study is being coordinated by FAO through its regional office in Bangkok and its Headquarters in Rome, but is being implemented in close partnership with governments, many of which have nominated national focal points. The scope of the study is to look at the main external and sectoral developments in policies, programmes and institutions that will affect the forestry sector and to assess from this the likely direction of its evolution and to present its likely situation in 2010. The study involves assessment of current status but also of trends from the past and the main forces which are shaping those trends and then builds on this to explore future prospects. Working papers have been contributed or commissioned on a wide range of topics. They fall under the following categories: country profiles, selected in-depth country or sub-regional studies and thematic studies. Working papers: are prepared by individual authors or groups of authors on their own professional responsibility; therefore, the opinions expressed in them do not necessarily reflect the views of their employers, the governments of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission or of the Food and Agriculture Organization. In preparing the substantive report to be presented at the next session of the Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission early in 1998, material from these working papers will be an important element but will be blended and interpreted alongside a lot of other material. Working papers are being produced and issued as they arrive. Some effort at uniformity of presentation is being attempted but the contents are only minimally edited for style or clarity. FAO welcomes from readers any information which they feel would be useful to the study on the subject of any of the working papers or on any other subject that has importance for the Asia-Pacific forestry sector. Such material can be mailed to the contacts given below from whom further copies of these working papers, as well as more information on the Asia-Pacific Forestry Sector Study, can be obtained: Rome: Mr. Mafa Chipeta Bangkok: Mr. Patrick Durst |
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Study purpose and structure
The Asia Pacific RegionOver view of the Asia-Pacific Region
Population and socio-economic status
Land and forests
DeforestationForest output and production
Fuelwood and industrial roundwood
Export or produce? Using the available timber supply
Trade in roundwood
Industrial roundwood trade
Sawnwood production and trade
Wood-based panels
Wood-based pulp
Paper and paperboardPrices for Asia Pacific forest products
Major issues and constraints facing Asia Pacific forestry
Forest policies
Development strategies
Tariff/trade barrierConservation of forest resources and land use
Deforestation/degradation of forestsHarvest levels
Forest fire and forest protection
Land use and watershed managementForest products
Non-wood forest products
Forest processing
Research and institutions
Large scale forest industry & investment
Small scale forest industryForest products marketing and trade
Timber certification
Product substitution
Internal market barriers
External market barriers
Demand for forest productsSocial and economic trends and the environment
Environmental functions of forests
Rural energy development
Enhancement of research
Centrally planned systems for forestry
Market based systems for forestryProjections and outlook towards 2010
World Bank - Tropical deforestation in Asia
ITTO - Analysis of macroeconomic trends
United States and Canada
New Zealand, Chile and Australia
Russia: East Siberia and the Far EastForest land base
Uses of the forest
Forest resource conditions & productivity
Harvest modeling
Economics of management
Politics of managementDeterminants of demand and consumption
Levels of income
End market indicators
Availability and price of substitute goods
Tastes and preferences"Most likely" scenario towards 2010
Fuelwood in the equation of Asia Pacific forestry
Estimated elasticity of demand and supply
Conifer and non-conifer sub-sectorsFindings and recommendations for further analysis
Comprehensive scope for regional sector analysis
Integrated databases for analysis
Land use and competing non-timber forest products
Marketing, trade and trade policy
Sustainability as an international yardstick
Substitution and econometric analysis
Appendix 1. Countries of the Asia Pacific region - Coverage by major reviews
Appendix 2. Socio-economic data of the Asian Pacific region by sub-region and country
Appendix 3. Forest resources of the Asian Pacific region by sub-region and country 1990
Appendix 4. Status of forest land and changes 1980-90 by sub-region and country
Appendix 6. Tropical forests: State of logging 1990 by sub-region and country
Appendix 7. Total roundwood production by sub-region and country, 1980, 1985, 1990-94
Appendix 8. Roundwood production by type, by sub-region and country 1993
Appendix 10. Conifer industrial roundwood production by sub-region and country - 1980, 1985, 1990-94
Appendix 20. Total forest products imports, exports and net trade by value, 1980, 1985, 1990-94
Appendix 23. Trade of tropical timber by major products by import and export country by volume, 1994
Appendix 28. Projected forest resources consumption in the Asian Pacific region 2000 & 2010
Appendix 29. ITTO scenario: Substitution of fibre and products
Appendix 32. US forest products trade with Asia Pacific region 1984-1995