FAO in Afghanistan


14 January 2024
Raysang village is in the heart of Alasay district in scenic province of Kapisa. This community, with over 3 500 residents, relies heavily on agriculture and livestock. For generations, the villagers have been sustained by the agricultural sector. Over the past years, however, the village has faced flash floods during...
10 January 2024
The outbreak of Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD) in cattle caused a lot of hardship for the community of Qalai Bayazed in Parwan province. The villagers rely heavily on cattle rearing for their livelihoods and the disease led to reduced milk production, weight loss, and the death of many cattle. It...
08 January 2024
Zarpari, a 52-year-old widow from Kunar province, explains how the help she received from FAO funded by a grant from New Zealand has eased the pressure on her household. Kunar is a mountainous province of northeastern Afghanistan bordering on Pakistan. 96% of its population is rural. Traditionally, the province collects abundant...
19 December 2023
Afghanistan has been grappling with numerous challenges, including political turmoil, natural disasters, poverty, drought, and the COVID-19 pandemic. These crises have taken a toll on the country, leaving millions of people in need of humanitarian assistance. The situation has only worsened in recent times, with the deepening economic crisis and...
07 December 2023
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has received a generous grant of USD 900 000 from the Government of Japan for the one-year project “Urgent support to protect and improve livestock-based livelihoods and subsistence production capacity of nutritious food of vulnerable, rural smallholder households affected by...