
The role of small and medium agrifood enterprises in food systems transformation

The case of rice processors in Senegal
年份: 2021
作者: Elena Ilie and Siobhan Kelly (FAO)
出版方: FAO

FAO Agricultural Development Economics Technical Study, No. 10.

The objective of this publication is multifold. First, it aims to learn from small and medium sized agrifood manufacturers about the role they play in food systems transformation in Senegal and the policy reforms required to harness their potential. Second, and more specifically, it gleans lessons from structured interviews with Senegalese rice millers, based on their day-to-day realities, highlighting the business creativity used by these firms in order to deal with difficult enabling environments. Third, the methodology adopts a food systems approach to analyze the target enterprises; cross fertilizing different disciplinary perspectives in order to develop evidence for the public sector on integrated policy making that better supports the role of small agrifood enterprises in sustainable transformation. Finally, the study shares ideas about innovations related to procurement, operations, logistics, finance, marketing and sales, human resources, and strategic partnerships. An important contribution of this work is to demonstrate the multidimensional and complex nature of the environment within which agrifood manufacturers do business, and the need for the public sector to harness their potential to reduce poverty through off-farm employment generation and to improve food security through the sustainable supply of affordable and nutritious food to domestic and export markets.

出版物类别: 技术研究
國家: Senegal
区域: Africa
ISBN: 978-92-5-134152-0
ISSN: 2521-7259 (online) / 2521-7240 (print)