Центр знаний об агроэкологии

Grain de sel magazine: ‘’Women's knowledge, what contribution to food security?’’

The COVID-19 pandemic has confirmed the place of women in the front line: as nurturers, caretakers, responsible for domestic tasks and education, their workload has increased tenfold due to state measures to fight the virus, and they have been more severely impacted than men have in economic terms.

Questioning gender inequalities and the intertwining of the domestic and productive spheres means seeking to understand in greater detail the contours of women's practices and know-how, their specificities, and their role in food security.

The ambition of this issue is to question the issues of identity, transmission, invisibilization, and struggle that exist around women's knowledge in the rural and agricultural domains. Through various analyses, the authors of this issue invite readers to characterize this knowledge: What is it about?  How are they constructed? Are they the object of claims and pride? How does gender influence the way women organize themselves, what spaces allow them to emancipate themselves, to struggle, to strengthen their leadership and their self-confidence? Localized, historically constructed, and essential on many levels, how can we revalue this knowledge?

Title of publication: ''Women's knowledge, what contribution to food security?''
Том: 80
Выпуск: 1
Год: 2021
Географический охват: Африки
Язык контента: French
Author: Inter-réseaux Développement rural ,
Категория: Статья

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