
Catalysing dialogue and cooperation to scale-up agroecology

Outcome of the FAO regional seminars on agroecology. Summary

Agroecology has been gaining interest in recent years among governments, research and civil society organisations worldwide and many actors present it as a strategic pathway to transition to sustainable food and agriculture systems for achieving food security and nutrition.

Following the 1st International Symposium on Agroecology for Food Security and Nutrition, held in Rome in 2014, FAO organized a series of regional multistakeholder seminars in Latin America and the Caribbean, sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and the Pacific, China, Europe and Central Asia, and the Near East and North Africa from 2015 to 2017. These seminars provided many opportunities for exchange and debate and revealed that while the scientific framework for agroecology dates back to the last century, it is a living concept that can be interpreted differently by different actors. The participants’ testimonies showed not only the wealth of existing initiatives but also their high expectations about supporting agroecological transitions on a larger scale.

This document is a summary of the global report Catalysing dialogue and cooperation to scale up agroecology: outcomes of the FAO regional seminars on agroecology, which presents a summary the main lessons learned from the regional meetings and drawing from this, proposes a framework for action to support the development of agroecology in the coming years.

发布者: FAO
年份: 2018
地理范围: 非洲, 亚洲及太平洋, 欧洲及中亚, 北美洲, 拉丁美洲及加勒比, 近东及北非
内容语言: English
Author: FAO ,
类别: 报告
Organization: FAO
