
GIAHS - Supporting knowledge intensive systems for sustainable food production

Traditional Chiloé island agriculture is a highly integrated and self-sufficient system. It relies on the agrobiodiversity supported by traditional agricultural practices to efficiently use natural resources from the sea, forest and livestock for soil health improvement and for integrated pest management.

The Zhejiang Huzhou system includes traditional and agroecological knowledge through the cultivation of mulberry trees, silkworm rearing, and fish cultivation, based on a complex irrigation system. This system allows farmers to meet their needs, while protecting biodiversity and the landscape.

年份: 2018
国家: Chile, China
地理范围: 亚洲及太平洋, 拉丁美洲及加勒比
内容语言: English
Author: Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) ,
类别: 个案研究
Organization: Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems
