Sabià Centre for Agroecological Initiatives in Brazil
This fact sheet presents a family agroecosystem, located in the community of Enjeitado in the Sertão do Pajeù in Brazil – the most populous semi-arid region in the world.
Sabià Agroecological Development Center Initiative is a family agroecosystem focused on the recovery of soil fertility in the Caatinga area. The agroecosystem has been developed by Dona Raimunda and her husband Antônia Queiroz. Subsequently many families have adopted practices as a result of farmer-to-farmer knowledge sharing and replication based on the experience of the Queiroz family.
The initiative is focused on the recovery of soil fertility in the area, which was extremely degraded. It began in 1999, starting with the protection of the Caatinga area and with cultivation of native and fruit trees.
Since 2004 the Sabià Centre has promoted agroforestry systems as a way of achieving production with greater sustainability. The total area of the agroecosystem is 33 hectares, with 2 ha of agroforestry, 3 ha of corn and bean fields and 28 ha of Caatinga. Dona Raimunda and Antonio Queiroz take care of direct management of the agroecosystem. In addition to plant production (mainly corn and beans), the family breeds animals and maintains a reservoir for fish breeding and production. They produce 90% of the food they consume. The family uses an irrigation system to enhance food production. The soil is fertilised with organic matter produced on the farm, in addition to manure of both chickens and cattle. Drought-resistant palma cactus is grown as livestock fodder. The agroecosystem allowed the family to survive on the land during a period of extreme drought and enabled productivity to recover faster with fewer losses.
This fact sheet is produced as part of the Avaclim project, which aims to create the necessary conditions for the deployment of agroecology in dryland areas. The international solidarity association CARI coordinates the Avaclim project while the Caatinga is in charge of its implementation in Brazil.