
The Committee on World Food Security: Principles for Responsible Agricultural Investments in the Context of Food Security and Nutrition

03/03/2014-04/03/2014 Pattaya, Thailand



The objective of the regional consultations is to receive feedback and input on the Zero Draft of CFS-RAI from a broad range of stakeholders in order to improve the existing draft and foster ownership of the principles on a global level.

The expected outcome of the regional consultations is a Chair’s summary, which will be finalized after the close of the event based on the comments received. The outcome of each break-out group discussion will be attached to the Chair’s summary, and written comments received will be included as an Annex. The outcomes will contribute to the preparation of the first draft of the principles. The Chair’s summary with Annexes will also be made available on the CFS-RAI webpage at http://www.fao.org/cfs/rai.



Chair's summary report

