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FAO welcomes new technical officer to Samoa

30/10/2015 Apia, Samoa

The FAO Subregional office of the Pacific Island is pleased to welcome Jessica Sanders, who is now a Fisheries Officer in Apia, Samoa. Jessica joins the Subregional office following 10 years in FAO Rome where she worked for the Policy, Institutions and Economics Service of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Department. Jessica holds a Master Degree in International Environmental Policy and a BA in Environmental Studies.

Jessica brings experience in policy and management issues in different countries around the world to the region. She has worked extensively on bridging sustainable use and conservation of marine resources.

During her time in Rome, she led processes and projects that spanned from industrial high seas fisheries to working with small-scale fishers and fishing communities. She has also been involved in UNGA processes including; sustainable development goals, conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction (BBNJ) and Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas as well as FAO led activities such as sustainable small-scale fisheries in the context of food security and poverty eradication,  marine protected areas from a fisheries perspective, management and conservation of sharks.

“I feel fortunate to be able to work on fisheries issues with the countries of the Pacific and feel that I have come back to my “home ocean” of the Pacific”. The opportunity to engage with communities, governments and regional organizations involved with sustainable fisheries and ocean governance is welcomed. 

A USA national, Jessica has experience in fisheries in countries around the world. She will continue to work on fisheries topics from small-scale to large scale while in the Pacific.  

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