
Rice seeds donated to 11 380 households in Ketsana-affected provinces - Sweden and Andorra to provide future support

29/04/2010 the Lao People's Democratic Republic

Vientiane – Over the last 6 weeks improved rice seeds were distributed to 11 380 households in five southern provinces of Lao PDR that were affected by last year’s devastating typhoon Ketsana.

Two field teams distributed the rice seeds directly to affected populations in 238 target villages in the five provinces. A total of 440 tons of rice seeds were distributed from the end of February to the middle of April 2010.The distribution was undertaken by FAO emergency staff in cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, PAFO and DAFO in sixteen districts in the five affected provinces: Savannakhet, Saravane, Champasack, Attapeu and Sekong.

"FAO staff has spent several months in the field bringing improved rice seeds directly to farmers in the most affected villages. A farmer without seeds cannot plant and regain the family’s livelihood and food security. We have assured that the farmers can plant rice again in this upcoming season, and are full of pride by producing their own food, independently," said Serge Verniau, FAO Representative in Lao PDR.

"Even though Ketsana hit the country many months ago, people living in the affected areas are still suffering its consequences. Households continue struggling to rebuild their livelihoods and their own means of food production. It is still an emergency for many of these families," Mr Verniau added.

In few cases, the FAO teams could not access target villages as there were no roads, for example in the Kalum district of Sekong province.

"We are very happy that the farmers got their seeds before the next planting season. We have tried to reach all targeted villages as planned despite many roads being damaged or under reconstruction," explained Boun Ome Soulideth, an FAO emergency staff member.

The FAO rehabilitation work in the typhoon-affected areas is financially supported by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. More funding is being made available by the Government of Sweden (Swedish Kroner 3 million) and the Principality of Andorra (Euro 24 985) to FAO to carry out future relief work for communities affected by typhoon Ketsana.

Typhoon Ketsana affected some of the most vulnerable and poor districts in Laos. The disaster has been classified as the most severe in the region in the last 40 years. More than 180 000 people were severely affected and many of them became food insecure as houses, storage facilities and rice fields were washed away by the storm and subsequent floods.

The UN has since September worked in close cooperation with the Lao government to assess the emergency needs and provide assistance to affected communities.

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Press release issued by the office of the FAO Representative in Vientiane. For more information, contact Larissa Bruun on email [email protected]

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