Committee on World Food Security

Making a difference in food security and nutrition

Objectives & Principles

The objective of the VGFSN is to contribute to the process towards achieving sustainable food systems and improved nutrition, recalling that transformation of food systems should be encouraged in a coherent manner, as appropriate and in accordance with and dependent on national contexts and capacities, in accordance with the three dimensions of sustainable development. The aim is also to present a set of guidelines that help ensure that diets needed for adequate nutrition are accessible, available, affordable, safe and of adequate quality and quantity, conforming with beliefs, culture and traditions, dietary habits, and preferences of individuals, in accordance with national and international laws and obligations29. The VGFSN are intended to provide guidance mainly to governments as well as specialized institutions and other stakeholders on appropriate policies, responsible investments and institutional arrangements needed to address the key causes of malnutrition in all its forms from a food systems perspective. The VGFSN contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security for all, particularly for the most vulnerable and affected groups.

The VGFSN are intended to support the implementation of the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition (2016- 2025) with the objective of increasing the visibility, coordination and effectiveness of nutrition actions at all levels, as key aspects toward the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The VGFSN present a comprehensive, systemic, and science and evidence-based approach to achieving healthy diets through sustainable food systems by addressing policy fragmentation with a special emphasis on the food, agriculture, and nutrition sectors, while also addressing economic, social and environmental sustainability issues and direct and indirect impacts. The VGFSN consider the diversity and complexity of food systems with the aim of promoting policy coherence and coordination, considering benefits, costs and tradeoffs, while recognizing national capacities and priorities, and fostering and guiding an inclusive dialogue among different institutions, sectors and all relevant stakeholders in the food system.

Six guiding principles

The VGFSN include six guiding principles37 that emerged from the consultation process as foundational when considering the different actions that should be followed to contribute to the process towards achieving sustainable food systems and improved nutrition for all.

Food systems serve and support multiple objectives within the three dimensions of sustainable development. While food systems might differ greatly, they offer different opportunities for public policies, mechanisms, instruments and investments that aim to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

These principles draw on the need to ensure human dignity, equality, non-discrimination, participation, accountability, transparency, empowerment, and the rule of law in order to contribute to the progressive realization of the right to adequate food in the context of national food security.

Systemic, multisectoral, science- and evidence-based approach

Promote a systemic, multisectoral, and science and evidence-based approach that considers food systems in their totality and varied cultural dimensions, appropriately integrates indigenous and traditional forms of knowledge, seeks to maximize outcomes across all sustainable development dimensions, and looks at the multidimensional causes of malnutrition in all its forms.
Coherent, coordinated, context-specific and inclusive policies

Contribute to the formulation and implementation of coherent, coordinated, context-specific and inclusive policies and related responsible investment through coordinated actions among different actors and across all relevant sectors at international, regional, national, subnational, and local levels.
Accountability, transparency and participation

Support efforts in strengthening governance, including accountability mechanisms, fostering citizen and stakeholder participation in national debates on food security and nutrition and on food systems, and transparent and inclusive decision-making processes, which are based on transparent rules of engagement including safeguards for the identification and management of potential conflicts of interest.
Healthy and prosperous people, healthy planet

Promote policies and actions that enhance the livelihoods, health, and well-being of the population, as well as sustainable food production and responsible consumption of safe, diverse and nutritious foods to enable healthy diets and to protect and promote sustainable use of natural resources, biodiversity and ecosystems, and support mitigation and adaptation to climate change, as appropriate.
Gender equality and women’s empowerment

Promote equitable access to sufficient, safe and nutritious foods that meet dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life independent of social or demographic factors such as race, gender, income or geographic region. Promote gender equality and women’s and girls’ empowerment, and respect, protect and fulfill their rights in the context of food security and nutrition, creating the conditions for women’s involvement in decision-making as well as their participation in all economic, political and social sectors and strong engagement in shaping sustainable food systems that improve nutrition, recognizing their critical role in care, education, agriculture, health promotion and food production and consumption. This may entail targeted strategies to support women in their existing roles in areas such as care, education, agriculture, health promotion and food preparation, production, consumption and preservation of indigenous, traditional and local knowledge. However, it also requires changes in business as usual to actively engage men and boys to promote nutrition as a joint household responsibility.
Youth empowerment and engagement

Promote strategies, policies and investments aiming at strengthening education and capacity building programmes for youth, enabling their autonomy, decision-making and empowerment, increasing their access to decent work opportunities including in rural areas, living wages and social protection, and innovative practices as well protecting them from hazardous and inappropriate work, as ways to stimulate their roles as change agents towards sustainable food systems for current and future generations.