
The learning tool has been designed to assist those working in the agriculture sectors who want to understand more about the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) concept and increase their capacity to contribute to national and global climate change mitigation goals. It provides clear, easy to follow guidance on the identification, development and implementation of country specific climate change mitigation actions in the AFOLU sector.

Incorporating climate change considerations into agricultural investment programmes
Duration: 5 hours
This course provides the necessary knowledge to design, develop and implement agricultural projects and programmes that address the challenges of a changing climate. It is useful for professionals working in agricultural development who need to learn how to mainstream effectively climate change considerations in their projects and programmes.

Investment Learning Platform (ILP)
Incorporating climate change considerations into overarching agricultural investment planning, as well as into specific projects and programmes is imperative to ensure that climate change is considered as part of all development decisions. These pages summarize key steps and approaches to systematically incorporate climate change considerations into agricultural investment planning and project management.

Climate Change and Food Security
The e-learning course is composed of 4 lessons produced by the Programme on "Linking Information and Decision Making to Improve Food Security".