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Country Leaflet

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SymboleTitreDate de débutDate de finBudget total
TCP/MDV/4001 Assessment of the structural design of the Anchored Fish Aggregating Devices of the Maldives 2024 2026200,000$
TCP/MDV/4002 TCPF: Support to the Government of Maldives in conducting the first Maldives Agricultural Census 2024 2025100,000$
TCP/MDV/3901 Strengthening the capacity to conduct pesticides residue monitoring at the Maldives Food and Drug Authority 2023 2025324,000$
SymboleTitreDate de débutDate de finBudget total
GCP /MDV/11411P/SCF A Holistic Approach to Food Systems Resilience and Adaptation in Maldives (PPG) 2024 2025100,000$