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Mid-term evaluation of the project “The coastal fisheries initiative global partnership”

Project code: GCP/GLO/838/GFF - GEF ID: 9128

Annex 1. Terms of reference

Annex 2. CFI publications

Annex 3. Evaluation matrix

Annex 4. Theory of change

Annex 5. Staff positions

Annex 6. Summary of findings

Management response

FAO. 2021. Mid-term evaluation of the project “The coastal fisheries initiative global partnership” – Project code: GCP/GLO/838/GFF - GEF ID: 9128. Project Evaluation Series, 08/2021. Rome.

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    Mid-term stratregy (2017-2020) towards the sustainability of Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries: five targets, selected outputs, proposed actions 2017
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    Thirteen years after the adoption of the Declaration of the Ministerial Conference for the Sustainable Development of Fisheries in the Mediterranean (2003 Venice Declaration), great strides have been made in promoting responsible fisheries practices. In particular, the role of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has been crucial in promoting common rules and strengthening regional cooperation in the Me diterranean and the Black Sea. However, fisheries in the area still face serious challenges, as roughly 90 percent of the region’s scientifically assessed stocks are considered to be fished outside safe biological limits. Such alarming trends not only negatively impact the fisheries sector itself, but they also hinder attempts to ensure secure livelihoods and food security, through blue growth initiatives, for the coastal communities in the region. As a response to these challenges, the GFCM has launched the “mid-term strategy (2017-2020) towards the sustainability of Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries” in order to define a course of decisive action aimed at reverting the alarming trend in the status of commercially exploited stocks. Aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the mid-term strategy seeks to improve Mediterranean and Black Sea fisheries and contribute to the sustainable development of coastal States. Through the implementation of the following five tar gets, the mid-term strategy is expected to ensure that, by 2020, the alarming trend in the status of commercially exploited stocks is reversed: TARGET 1: Reverse the declining trend of fish stocks through strengthened scientific advice in support of management TARGET 2: Support livelihoods for coastal communities through sustainable small-scale fisheries TARGET 3: Curb illegal unreported and unregulated fishing, through a regional plan of action TARGET 4: Minimize and mitigate unwanted interact ions between fisheries and marine ecosystems and environment TARGET 5: Enhance capacity-building and cooperation
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    Smart licensing of artisanal fisheries in the coastal waters of Tanzania (Mainland) with emphasis on small pelagics fisheries 2014
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    During October-November 2013 a mini fisheries frame survey was carried out in the districts bordering the Tanzanian coast of the Indian Ocean. Its purpose was to obtain an overview of the distribution of fishermen and fishing vessels along the coast and in order to find out to what extent registration and licensing of fishing vessels and fishermen takes place. The information led to the estimation of potential revenues in case all artisanal vessels and fishermen were licensed. Their registration would be a great step towards combating Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported fishing in Tanzanian waters. The results of the mini frame survey were compared with those of the latest frame survey in 2009. An increase in fishermen and a slight decrease in vessels could be observed. The registration and licensing rates increased from 27 to 37% over a period of four years. It may take long before the entire fleet is registered and licensed. Therefore it is proposed to make use of existing technology , using mobile phones and the so-called “mobile money or smart money” to collect license fees (and registration fees). This system is well known in East Africa and payment points are found in every village and town. This system will guarantee a secure and transparent way of recording licencing information. Upon receipt of the funds the fishermen and fishing vessels will be provided with badges and license plates to demonstrate their compliance with regulations. Analyses have been prepared to ind icate the increase in revenues if licence fees could be increased to the equivalents of US$ 15 and US$ 20 per year. These revenues are considerable and would easily meet the initial costs for the establishment of the system. This technological way of revenue collection provides other advantages, too, for instance the creation of a network that allows the distribution of bulk messages to reach thousands of beneficiaries in a short time, to warn for instance against extreme weather conditions, to coordinate search and rescue operations, or to remind fishermen to pay their fees, etc. The results of the mini survey and the proposed system for licensing have been discussed during a workshop in Bagamoyo and the discussions led to a number of recommendations to strengthen the line of command between the Fisheries Department and the District Fisheries Officers, to plough back revenues from fisheries operations into the fisheries sector; to simplify the requirements from another institution res ponsible for shipping and to test the new system in three districts Pangani, Bagamoyo and Kinondoni (PABAKI). The above system is in line with the latest Fisheries Management Plan for small pelagic fisheries based on the Ecosystem Approach to Fishing that all fishermen and fishing vessels be registered and licensed. The method may apply to the entire artisanal fleet operating in the Tanzanian coastal waters. The SmartFish programme could herewith establish a system of Smart Licenses for Smart fi shermen.
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