
Source: MolitionWhile you wouldn't find too many of them on menus in Europe or the US, in many countries 'insects' form an important part of people's diets. In fact, it's estimated that 2.5 billion people -- a third of the planet -- consume insects. Which is why the forestry department of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization is examining the potential of insect gathering and rearing for improving food security worldwide. We've divided the videos on this topic into three sections.  You can choose between short clips (with a maximum length of 6 minutes) from some of the major news agencies including Bloomberg and Aljazeera or you can watch insect-obsessed TEDTalk speakers (Marcel Dicke, Arnold van Huis) make appetizing cases for adding insects to your diet. For an in-depth view of the subject, watch these documentaries produced by the BBC and ARTE.


lastUpdate  Wednesday, July 25, 2018