FAO in Ethiopia


05 September 2023
The MRV Task Force reached a consensus for the accelerated provision of strategic and technical guidance on monitoring, reporting, and verification of CO₂ emissions from forests at its second meeting in Bishoftu town. The project aims to support EFD in developing and maintaining accurate data on forest cover and biomass, which...
28 August 2023
Swarms of Desert Locust in Northern Regions of Ethiopia The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has issued an alert regarding the possibility of a full-scale upsurge of Desert Locust (DL) swarms in the Afar, Tigray, and Amhara regional states of Ethiopia unless immediate action is taken. Addis Ababa,...
03 March 2023
Government and FAO delegation visited pastoralist communities affected by the prolonged drought in Borena 03 March 2023, Addis Ababa: A high-level delegation led by H.E. Fikru Regassa (Dr), the State Minister in the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), accompanied by Farayi Zimudzi, FAO’s Country Representative visited the drought-stricken Borena Zone of Oromia...
25 October 2022
                                           Raise a call to “Leave no one behind “as the country advances agricultural development and responds to shocks 25 October 2022, Bishoftu - Stakeholders in Ethiopia marked World Food Day on 24 October 2022...
27 June 2022
Rapid Response and Mitigation Plan focuses on four epicentres: Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia