

Amina prepares cowpeas and cowpeas leaves while cooking the main meal of the day at her house in Uran ward, Moyale, Kenya
Food and agriculture lie at the heart of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 targets. SDG1, End poverty, includes targets related to social protection, land rights and resilience, while SDG2 is dedicated to ending hunger, improving food security and nutrition, and promoting sustainable agriculture.
All work of FAO is subject to evaluation, whether financed from FAO’s regular budget or voluntarily contributed extra-budgetary resources.
Water is essential for food security, nutrition, health, energy, biodiversity, the environment and other economies.
Evaluation in different development and humanitarian settings requires varying methods to capture multiple voices and multifaceted trends.
Interim Strategy for the Office of Evaluation to build an architecture for excellence in supporting Management and Members’ culture of evidence in decision-making.
Check out the latest vacancies with FAO's Office of Evaluation.
Read the latest EvalForward discussion on involving marginalized groups and communities, especially People with Disabilities in evaluations.
Leave No One Behind (LNOB) is a fundamental aspiration in FAO’s Strategic Framework. FAO evaluations (2021-2022) found some examples of successful targeting and involvement of women and attention to other cross-cutting issues.
Ghana - Women put Shea seeds in a sack at Ojoba Women's Shea Cooperative

Our programme evaluation review found a link between strong partnerships and high quality programme delivery.


Oceans cover more than 70% of the Earth's surface and play a fundamental role in sustaining life on our planet. They serve as a vital resource for food security, livelihoods, and environmental sustainability.