25/09/2023 - 27/09/2023

- 推动各方深入认识可持续畜牧生产对实施联合国粮农组织《2022-31年战略框架》的贡献,助力全球、区域和国家层面实现可持续发展目标。
- 分享信息和知识,介绍各国可持续畜牧生产领域的战略方向和技术发展。
- 确立工作重点,引导汇集和利用科学、技术及财政资源,实现全球畜牧业可持续转型。
- 完善畜牧业体系,实现更好生产:涵盖饲料和动物遗传资源管理和利用、动物卫生和福利、数字化以及精准畜牧养殖;
- 改进动物源性食品,实现更好营养:就动物源性食品对粮食安全和营养以及健康膳食的贡献介绍前沿知识;
- 推广畜牧业解决方案,实现更好环境:就善用自然资源和减少温室气体排放的良好做法和举措分享信息;
- 实现更好生活:包括出台包容性服务和政策,支持小规模畜牧养殖户改善生计和提高收入,从而提升畜牧生产效率和韧性。
Joint Exhibition on Sustainable Livestock Transformation and Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization
All the events take place in the Sheikh Zayed Centre (in the Atrium, Ground Floor).
Monday 25 September 2023 | 12.45 - 13.45 CEST
The International Year of Camelids (IYC), proposed by the Plurinational State of Bolivia, aims to raise awareness about the importance of camelids in various aspects of society. Camelids hold cultural and ecological significance, particularly in desert and mountain regions, where they are an integral part of the traditional ways of life of indigenous communities. These communities rely on camelids for poverty reduction, hunger alleviation, women's empowerment, access to water, climate change mitigation, and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals. The side event will analyze the progress, challenges, and perspectives of the camelid sector and its communities in the Americas, Africa and Asia, taking into account factors such as climate change, pandemics, and water resource availability, and considering the customs and practices of the communities towards IYC in line with the 2030 Agenda. The side event and the IYC will aim to increase the public awareness of camelids worldwide.
- Daniel Anavitarte - Country Director for Bolivia, IFAD
- Sonia Brito, Ambassador of the Plurinational State of Bolivia in Italy
- Freddy Mamani Machaca - Vice Chancellor, Plurinational State of Bolivia (virtual)
- Anne Mottet - Global Technical Specialist, IFAD
- Faisal Muthyib A. Alsubaie - CEO of National Livestock and Fisheries Development Program, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Hussain Bahbahani – Associate Professor of Genetics of the Kuwait University
- Batbaatar Bayarmagnai, CEO & Coordinator, DairyAsia, Mongolia
- H. E. Mohammed Ahmed Alghamdi – Ambassador Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Languages: English, Arabic, Spanish
Light lunch provided
Monday 25 September 2023 | 17.15 - 18.15 CEST
A sustainable livestock sector will foster inclusive economic growth, improve livelihoods, and sustain animal health and welfare. By adopting sustainable livestock practices, we can create healthier and more sustainable communities for all living beings and make contributions to a more equitable and sustainable world. As an important facilitator, "One Health, One Welfare" approach is closely linked to the transformation of sustainable livestock. One Health is the main approach for addressing the complex health challenges facing our society, such as ecosystem degradation, food system failures, infectious diseases and antimicrobial resistance. As an extension of One Health, One Welfare approach enhances the direct and indirect links among animal welfare, human well-being and environment-friendly animal farming systems. This side event aims to raise people’s awareness of the importance of the One Health One Welfare approach and its contributions to sustainable livestock transformation by improving the health and welfare of animals, the well-being of people and the environment in which they live. It expects to increase the impact of the World Farm Animal Welfare-Beijing Consensus and to attract more partners.
- Paul Littlefair, Head of International, Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA)
- Andrea Gavinelli, Head of Unit Animal Welfare, DG Sante, European Commission
- Xi Chunling, Executive Vice President and Secretary General of China Association for the Promotion of International Agricultural Cooperation (CAPIAC)
- Huyam Salih, Director, African Union—Interafrican Bureau for Animal Resources (AU-IBAR) and Africa Network for Animal Welfare (ANAW)
- Hans Spoolder, Senior Scientist, Wageningen University & Research
- Chadia Wannous, One Health Global Coordinator, World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH)
- Jin Weidong, Chairman, Liaoning Wellhope Foods Co., Ltd.
- Eva Reinhard, Head of Agroscope, the Swiss Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, Switzerland
Languages: Arabic/Chinese/English/French/Russian/Spanish
WebcastTuesday 26 September 2023 | 12.30 - 13.30 CEST
This side event will feature developments in genomics, genome editing, and regulation of biotechnology that have the potential to enhance both the economic viability and sustainability of smallholder dairy farming in Sub-Saharan Africa through rapid improvement of locally adapted cattle genetic resources. The program will specifically highlight ongoing collaborations between national research organizations, biotechnology developers, and non-governmental organizations that seek to enhance farmer access to innovative animal breeding technologies. The event will feature three speakers offering the perspectives of a national research agency, a technology developer, and a non-governmental organization followed by a moderated panel discussion.
- Ellen Luger, Minister Counselor of Agriculture, U.S. Mission to the UN Rome
- Diane Wray-Cahen, USDA Senior Advisor for Animal Health and Production, and Animal Products
- Oyekanmi Nashiru, Research Director, National Biotechnology Development Agency Nigeria
- Tad Sonstegard, President & Chief Executive Officer, Acceligen, United States of America
- Margaret Karembu, Director, International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA) AfriCenter, Kenya
- H.E. Carlos Cherniak, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Argentina to the U.N. Agencies in Rome
Languages: English/French/Spanish
Light lunch provided
Tuesday 26 September 2023 | 17.15 - 18.15 CEST
While enteric methane reducing supplements for intensive systems are commercially available and have been shown to reduce enteric methane in intensive operations such as feedlots by up to 90%, there are currently no in- or near-to-market solutions which substantially reduce emissions from grazing systems. Without this technology, reduction in enteric methane emissions from agriculture will be negligible unless the number of grazing beef cattle and sheep is reduced. Panelists representing science and industry agencies will discuss emerging technologies and key challenges and opportunities for delivering and supporting sustainable low emission livestock production. The discussion will focus on the more challenging extensive grazing systems of the world. Attendees will be encouraged to engage in discussion with the panel to design stronger global research partnerships, set research priorities for diverse global production systems, and co-ordinate and share delivery solutions.
- Nicola Hinder, Deputy Secretary, Agriculture Trade Group, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Australia
- Jack Holden, Director Meat & Livestock Australia and general manager for sustainability, Fonterra
- Alexandre Berndt, EMBRAPA, Vice President of Brazilian Society of Animal Science
- Stuart Denman, Principal Research Scientist (Livestock Production), CSIRO, Australia
- Margaret Jewell, Carbon Neutral 2030 (CN30) Manager, Meat & Livestock Australia
- Anthony Whitbred, Program Leader, Sustainable Livestock Systems, ILRI, Kenya
- David Yáñez-Ruiz, Senior Scientist, Estación Experimental del Zaidín, CSIC, Spain
Language: English
Wednesday 27 September 2023 | 12.30 - 13.30 CEST
The IFC will chair a panel discussion with World Bank, European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Dutch Development Bank (FMO), and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) to discuss how multinational development banks and foundations work with private sector companies to ensure sustainable livestock development in emerging markets. The discussion will centre around the IFC’s Practices for Sustainable Investment in Livestock, a sustainability framework endorsed by the major developmental banks investing in private sector livestock operations. Multinational development banks and foundations like BMGF are supporting the transformation of the livestock sector in developing countries, including through investments in private companies. IFC alone has over US$1 billion invested in projects in developing countries. Those investments are supported by even larger investments in the public sector by institutions such as the World Bank. There is a strong recognition that the livestock sector growth and transformation is only possible if all sustainability challenges are addressed. IFC’s Practices for Sustainable Investment in Livestock outline the best practices in seven areas important for the sustainability of the sector: (i) animal health; (ii) veterinary antimicrobials and medicines; (iii) animal welfare; (iv) decarbonization and climate resilience; (v) biodiversity; (vi) safe food; and (vii) national laws and regulations. Through a moderated discussion, the participants will showcase how a combination of private and public sector investments can help transform the livestock sector.
- Ivan Ivanov, Global Lead Sustainable Protein Advisory, IFC
- Pierre J. Gerber, Senior Livestock Specialist, World Bank
- Samuel Thevasagaya, Deputy Livestock Director, BMFG
- Mark Hughes, Senior Environmental Adviser, EBRD
- Anton Timpers, Investment Manager Agribusiness for Latin America and Eastern Europe/Central Asia, FMO
- Esra Diker-Yilmaz, Global Lead Sustainable Protein Investment Services, IFC
Language: English
Light lunch provided
Launch event
Monday 25 September 2023 | 12.45 - 13.45 CEST | Iran Room
FAO in collaboration with the Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance (LEAP) Partnership are unveiling a comprehensive report delving deep into methane emissions in livestock and rice systems. The report outlines the current technical and innovative approaches for mitigating enteric methane emissions and examines state-of-the-art mitigation strategies across various ruminant systems. The report is the result of collaborative efforts within the FAO LEAP Partnership's technical advisory group, a multidisciplinary team composed of 54 international scientists and FAO experts.
- Hsin Huang, Secretary General, International Meat Secretariat, Chair of FAO LEAP Partnership 2022
Opening remarks
- Nicola Hinder, Deputy Secretary (A/g), Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Australia
- Meenesh Shah, Chairman and Managing Director, National Dairy Development Board, India
- Presentation of the findings of the report
- Ermias Kebreab, Professor, University of California Davis, USA
- Michelle Cain, Lecturer, University of Canfield, UK
Panel discussion
- John Roche, Chief Science Adviser, Ministry for Primary Industries, New Zealand
- Frank Mitloehner, Professor and Air Quality Specialist, University of California Davis, USA, Former Chair of FAO LEAP Partnership
- Martina Otto, Head of Climate and Clean Air Coalition Secretariat (CCAC)
- Fernando Mattos, Minister of Livestock, Agriculture, and Fisheries, Uruguay
Closing remarks
- Thanawat Tiensin, Director of Animal Production and Health Division of FAO, co-chair of FAO LEAP Partnership
Languages: English, French, Spanish
Light lunch provided