
German Parliamentarian groups recognize and support agroecology approaches

German Parliamentarian groups have pointed out that the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recognizes the potential and approaches of agroecology as an important response to social problems such as poverty, inequality, hunger and lack of gender equality. In addition, environmental challenges such as deforestation, water scarcity, rising carbon dioxide emissions as well as loss of biodiversity were discussed.

The political groups called on the Federal Government to continue its commitment to agroecology and to further develop it in development cooperation and the promotion of rural areas. Agroecology should be promoted as a concept for poverty reduction in rural areas and anchored in the planned revision of the rural development plan this year.

They pointed out that the government should also work to reduce food waste and post-harvest losses, support research into agroecology and strengthen international scientific exchange. The strengthening of fair access to land, water and fishing rights for the local population in developing countries should be systematically supported as agreed in the coalition agreement.    

发布者: German Parliament
作者: German Parliament
组 织: German Parliament
年份: 2018
国家: Germany
地理范围: 欧洲联盟
类别: 政策简报/文件
内容语言: German
