
Panorama of agroecology courses in Brazil

The agroecology courses have grown the last years, and its introduction in educational institutions began especially from the 2000s. Since then, several courses are created annually. However, there are few and spread studies that perform a systematic quantitative analysis of courses in agroecology in Brazil. This study aimed to identify the courses in agroecology, in formal education, that are in operation in Brazil, by geographic area and level of education. This is a quantitative research with an exploratory descriptive study by searching on government sites and sending e - mails and phone calls to the educational institutions. Until the end of 2013, 136 courses were identified, with 108 professional courses, 24 undergraduate and 4 postgraduate courses, with the majority of the courses focuses on the northeastern region. At the end of the survey it was found that the educational institutions are still trying to figure out "how to" teach Agroecology in order to attend its various dimensions.

Title of publication: Rev. Bras. de Agroecologia
卷号: 9
期号: 2
国际标准刊号: 1980-9735
作者: João Vitor Quintas Balla, Luciana Miyoko Massukado, Vania Costa Pimentel
组 织: Rev. Bras. de Agroecologia
年份: 2014
国家: Brazil
地理范围: 拉丁美洲及加勒比
类别: Газетная статья
内容语言: English, Portuguese
