
Breaking the Vicious Cycle of Pesticides and Climate Change with Agroecology

A recent report by Pesticide Action Network (North America) highlights the vicious cycle of pesticide use contributing significantly to greenhouse gas emissions, while climate change is expected to increase their application. Pesticides impact climate change throughout their lifecycle, including manufacturing, transportation, and disposal, and also lead to the production of harmful greenhouse gases. Rising temperatures and altered rain patterns are leading to decreased crop resilience, leaving them more vulnerable to pests, leading to increased pesticide application rates, which in turn exacerbates the problem. Agroecology, which minimizes or eliminates synthetic fertilizer and pesticide use while increasing the resilience of farming systems to climate change, is a real solution that addresses all sides of this vicious cycle. The report recommends that governments adopt measurable goals to reduce synthetic pesticide use in climate policies, promote the rights of groups most impacted by synthetic pesticide use, and develop policies that provide improved technical assistance and incentives for farmers to adopt biodiverse farming practices that protect community and ecosystem health.

Title of publication: https://twn.my
作者: Pesticide Action Network (North America)
其他作家: Olivia Rosane,
组 织: Pesticide Action Network (North America)
年份: 2023
类别: 文章
内容语言: English
