
Opportunities of poultry breeding programmes for family production in developing countries: The bird for the poor. Proceedings of an e-conference held 24 January-18 February 2011

The International Network for Family Poultry Development (INFPD) is a network of researchers, policy makers, educationists, students and development workers. It was established with the assistance of FAO to promote and facilitate the development of the small scale poultry sector in developing countries. With the support from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and in collaboration with the International Rural Poultry Centre of the KYEEMA Foundation, FAO is implementing a project, entitled “Smallholder Poultry Development Programme”. The purpose of the project is to raise the international profile of family poultry production and to strengthen and further develop the INFPD. The overall goal of this project is to increase knowledge, awareness and recognition of smallholder poultry production as an effective tool in poverty alleviation, household food security and the empowerment of women. Among the activities of the project is the organization of three electronic conferences (e-conferences) to discuss specific issues related to family poultry development. The first e-conference will discuss issues of poultry breed development for family poultry under the title "Opportunities of poultry breeding programmes for family production in developing countries: the bird for the poor".

Title of publication: Opportunities of poultry breeding programmes for family production in developing countries: The bird for the poor
地点: Online
组 织: International Network for Family Poultry Development (INFPD)
其他组织: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
年份: 2011
类别: 会议录
内容语言: English
