
Typology and indicators to characterize agricultural holdings for improved policy formulation

Overview of typologies of agricultural holdings in different geographical areas and focus

The current report constitutes an extended version of the literature review which notably built the Chapter 2 of the main WAW report “Typology and Indicators to Characterize Agricultural Holdings for Improved Policy Formulation” (available on the WAW Website). The purpose of the latter is to present an overview of the potential policy advantages of establishing an international typology of agricultural holdings while also examining the WAW Methodological Framework proposal of implementing an international typology of agricultural holdings that largely relies on family/hired labour usage as the key discriminating variable. This report summarizes key results obtained in the 73 countries covered by the literature review. This document is therefore organized per region and country,. The following geographical approach allows the readers to focus on the literature review of one part of the world, namely : North America, European Union, Balkan Countries, Latin America, Africa and South East Asia

作者: Silvia L. Saravia Matus
其他作家: Dragos Cimpoies, Tévécia Ronzon
组 织: World Agriculture Watch (WAW)
其他组织: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), CIRAD, International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), Government of France
年份: 2013
类别: 报告
内容语言: English
