
Gender and Food Security In Brief

This articule argues that tackling gender injustice and truly empowering women is not only a fundamental prerequisite for improving food and nutrition security. It needs to be seen as a goal in its own right. In Brief sets out a preliminary vision for gender-just food and nutrition security, which puts the right to food and gender justice at the centre of all interventions. Two case studies, produced collaboratively with food security actors, provide inspiring examples of gender-transformative interventions in India and among Maya Chorti communities.

Title of publication: Maya Chorti People:Tackling Food Insecurity with a Gender-just Approach
作者: G. Aboud, M. Ballara, A. Brody
其他作家: Guadalupe Torres
年份: 2015
国家: El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras
地理范围: 拉丁美洲及加勒比
类别: 通讯文章
内容语言: English
