
Project - Leader valorises local food products: Pioneering Portuguese project proves the development potential of social media

Portugal’s ‘PROVE’ project (PROmover e VEnder – which translates to ‘Promote and Sell’) stems from a bottom-up initiative involving eight of the country’s mainland LAGs. PROVE has been busy connecting local producers in these LAG territories within a joint marketing scheme for fresh locally-sourced fruit and vegetables. The project is helping producers sell and promote their produce directly to customers for a fair price, whilst guaranteeing a high quality product for consumers. Support for the scheme continues to gain impetus and the PROVE project is fast becoming a major success story. It represents an excellent demonstration of how Leader can be used to assist successful inter-territorial cooperation in local product valorisation. Funding to help first establish PROVE activities came from the 2000-2006 EQUAL Community initiative and this foundation work was further developed with the EAFRD. Some €235 325 of EAFRD has been allocated to PROVE from the eight cooperating LAGs, and the total project costs summed to €500 693 which funded work focused on publicising the project through different channels.

Title of publication: The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development Examples of Leader projects
页数: 12-13
年份: 2011
国家: Portugal
类别: 杂志文章
内容语言: English
