
Romania’s Winemaking industry, between past and present

Wine has always been considered the nectar of the gods. Romans called it „vinum”, and Alexander the Great considered it „the blood of the vine, the power of the earth and the eternity of the sun”. To follow the path of the vine on the current territory of Romania means to actually rebuild the past of this country starting from ancient times. In his book „The Wines of Romania”, the famous oenologist Mihai Macici quotes the opinion of the botanist A. Griesbach who states that the motherland of the wine must be sought for in the lands of the Euxine Sea and the ones of Thrace, until beyond the Danube. A.D Xenopol wrote that Thrace was considered the birth place of the god of wine, Dionysus. Other historians consider that, beginning with the Bronze Age, the culture of the vine and wine producing have become basic preoccupations of the old inhabitants of the current Romanian space.

Title of publication: Rural Romania
期号: 33
国际标准刊号: 2393-123x
页数: 13-15
组 织: Romanian Rural Development Network
年份: 2015
国家: Romania
类别: 杂志文章
内容语言: English
