
The qualification and the professional identity formation of the family farmers at Januária Region - Minas Gerais

This  study  thesis  proposes  a  discussion  on  the  connections  between  the  professional qualification  courses,  gestated  by  government  programs  PLANFOR and  PNQ,  and  the formation  of  professional  identity  of  the  farmers  in  the  region  Januária  -  MG.  These programs, gestated in the early 1990s, in a context of profound changes in the world of work were deployed also in rural areas, in search for a professional farmer, able to design them a professional identity  and  integrate  it  into  new  development  model. The  spread  of  new standards related to productivity made them become more complex relations with the world of work  and, therefore,  require  more  specialized  workers.  At  least  in  theory,  access  to technology through training  tend  to  provide  increased  production  and  productivity  which would  generate surpluses  that  led  farmers  to  enter  the  market  and  consumer  markets.  This model  of development  for  the  field  develops  from  public  policy  qualification,  but  not  all farmers assimilate  this  recipe  and  build  strategies  to  maintain  their  conditions  of  peasant farming tradition.  The  construction  of  professional  identities  of farmers  established  itself naturally  by social  processes,  but  also  by  changes  in  production  structures  and  the organizational  forms of  society.  Thus  the  professional  identity  of  farmers  is  related  to  the qualifications  and access  to  production  technology,  with  land  use,  with credit,  market,  and especially to social recognition of the farming profession. The qualification has contributed to the process of professionalization, but unfortunately, depends on other important elements of economic, institutional and social for their achievement.

发布者: Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
作者: Ronaldo Mauricio Sampaio
其他作家: Ivaldo Gehlen
组 织: Universidade Federal Do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)
年份: 2013
国家: Brazil
地理范围: 拉丁美洲及加勒比
类别: 书籍
内容语言: Portuguese
