Improving access to vegetable seeds for resilient family farms in Costa Rica
A group of coffee farmers in Turrialba, Costa Rica, is successfully exploring diversification options with horticultural food crops. This is being done in collaboration with two vegetable seed banks that allow family farmers to use varieties freely under the multilateral system of FAO´s International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture.
Title of publication: Farming matters: Access and benefit sharing of genetic resources
期号: Special Issue
页数: 14-17
作者: William Solano
其他作家: Maarten van Zonneveld, Lindsey Hethcote, Nelly Vasquez
组 织: ILEIA - centre for learning on sustainable agriculture
其他组织: Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Centre (CATIE)
年份: 2016
国家: Costa Rica
地理范围: Central American Integration System (SICA)
类别: 杂志文章
内容语言: English