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Тип организации

Colegio de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Imbabura

Gremio profesional de ingenieros agrónomos, organización sin fines de lucro, bajo el lema AGRONONÍA ES DESARROLLO, para promover el desarrollo de la comunidad y de la familia imbabureña, a través de la práctica de los principios de la Agronomía.

Red Agroeconatura

Civil society
Asociación fundada en el año 2017 con el propósito de promover una transición agroecológica de los pequeños agricultores como solución a problemáticas globales, sectoriales y territoriales.


Non-governmental organization
Sustainable Agriculture, Environment Conservation, Livelihood in West Bengal, India

Biodiversity Hub International (BHI)

Non-governmental organization
Biodiversity Hub International is an Organisation that is dedicated to conserve biodiversity for resilient and sustainable development, The Organisation enages in Agro ecology, Education and capacity building, Supporting small holder farmers with tools, and Youth to Agriculture Program, indigenous people, Natural Resources

Linking Environment And Farming

LEAF (Link­ing Envi­ron­ment And Farm­ing) are the lead­ing organ­i­sa­tion deliv­er­ing more sus­tain­able food and farming.Our vision is a glob­al farm­ing and food sys­tem that deliv­ers Cli­mate Pos­i­tive action, builds resilience and sup­ports the health, diver­si­ty and enrich­ment of our food, farms, the envi­ron­ment and society. Within LEAF we have an...
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Association of Ecological Agriculture Organization ETO

Civil society
ETO (Association of Ecological Agriculture Organization), was established in 1992 as an umbrella civil society organization by a group composing of producers, consumers, processors, traders, inspectors, researchers and technicians to provide fast and sound development of organic (=ecological=biological) agriculture in Turkey. Until today, ETO organized a wide range of panel discussions,...

Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles

Research center
L'ISRA est la principale institution de recherche développement au Sénégal. Il intervient présente la spécificité de mener des recherches dans quatre domaines de production (végétales, animales, forestières, halieutiques) et sur la socio- économie, ce qui lui confère sa vocation agricole au sens large. L’ISRA intervient dans les six zones éco-géographiques du...

Red de semilleristas de papa y hortalizas del estado Trujillo

Farmers' organization
Red de semilleristas de papa y hortalizas , somos 120 agricultores de piso alto más de 1500msnm ubicados en varios municipios del Estado Trujillo.
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)

Eco Strategies

Farmer Field School
Capacity building farms/field school for small farmers and their trainers in developing economies

Asociación Campesina de la Comunidad de Cotaruse

Es una comunidad productora de camélidos sudamericanos y es también agrícola que requiere asesoría de un ente no gubernamental para salir adelante de la pobreza.

Asociación de Productores San Juan

Farmers' organization
Asociación de productores agropecuarios en Bosque Húmedo Montano Alto Nublado. Interés en producción agropecuaria de leche, cultivos andinos y silvicultura.

Chloride Free Foundation

Non-governmental organization
Chloride Free is a non-profit that aims to reverse climate change and help nature restore balance. To enable this, we are working to promote soil biodiversity through sustainable agriculture. We work on two main fronts: the first is raising awareness about the importance of soil biodiversity in the climate fight...
Netherlands (Kingdom of the)

International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems

The International Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems (IPES-Food) is an independent panel of experts with a mission to promote transition to sustainable food systems around the world. Since 2015, IPES-Food has shaped the debate on global food system reform through scientific reports & detailed policy recommendations. With a...

Agroecology Europe

Non-governmental organization
Agroecology Europe intends to place agroecology high on the European agenda of sustainable development of farming and food systems. It intends to foster interactions between actors in science, practice and social movements, by facilitating knowledge sharing and action. The Association has a non-profit and international goal. It aims to analyse,...

TP Organics

Civil society
TP Organics is one of 40 European Technology Platforms (ETPs) officially recognised by the European Commission. As ETP for organic food & farming and agroecology, we unite the whole organic value chain from production, input & supply to food processing, marketing, and consumption and develop research & innovation agendas and...

Pesticide Action Network North America

Non-governmental organization
Non-governmental organization linked to the PAN global network that is working to reduce reliance on hazardous pesticides and promote agroecological farming
United States of America

CARI Association

Civil society
CARI is an international solidarity association which has been involved with rural populations on the edge of the Sahara since 1998. The mission of the organisation is aid development by supporting smallholding agriculture as a defence against food crises and as a lever for empowerment. Its actions are mainly directed towards...

Karacelo agroecology farm Gulu

Community supported Agriculture CSA
We grow vegetables and fruits

Akademi Rakyat Mandiri Pangan

Farmer Field School
Provide education and assistant to farmer and group of farmers


Non-governmental organization
HOUSE OF NATIONAL FARMERS (HONF-GHANA) The House of National Farmers with the adopted acronym HONF was incorporated under the companies code 1963, Act 179 on 26th November, 2018. The idea for the formation of the HONF was mooted by a team of development change – makers, social entrepreneurs, business innovators who...
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