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CCLAC21 - Part II

    FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean


The 21st Session of the FAO/WHO Coordinating Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean Part II will take place in the user group CCLAC21-Part II on the Codex online forum.

The Session will be conducted in English and Spanish.


To register to participate in CCLAC21-Part II, potential participants must be sponsored by their country Codex Contact Point (CCP), or, for representatives of International Organizations with observer status with the Codex Alimentarius Commission, by their organization. Requests to register to become a member of the CCLAC21-Part II user group should be sent by e-mail by the CCP of the member country or by the observer organization to [email protected], with a copy to [email protected], and the CCLAC21-Part II Chairperson Diego Varela ([email protected]).

Registrations should contain: Name; Official title or position; Organization or country, Email address, and Account name on the Codex online platform. When registering more than one delegate, the member or observer shall designate one name as the official representative for the group.

Once registered for the session all delegates will then need to (1) have access to the forum platform at and (2) be registered as a member of the new user group CCLAC21-Part II on the forum platform. Previous users of the online forum can log into the system with their existing forum user name and password. In addition, they will need to register to become a member of the new CCLAC21-Part II user group. New users of the online forum will need to register on the forum to obtain a user name (See online guide, video tutorial available on the forum) and then register to become a member of the CCLAC21-Part II user group. The CCLAC chairperson will grant an individual access as member to the user group CCLAC21-Part II once the individual’s credentials have been verified (demonstration of endorsement by their CCP or their organization). For all technical assistance regarding the platform please contact the platform administrator (Codex Secretariat) using the Contact link on the platform homepage or via [email protected]. Deadline for Registration is 31 January 2020.


The documents for the session are available in English and Spanish. CCLAC21 Part I Report is available here.

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