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GFSI observes World Food Safety Day: 5 days, 5 videos, 5 calls to action!


The Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) is in full gear, promoting this year's World Food Safety Day campaign among its community as a key moment to raise awareness and urge action. GFSI’s own plans to observe World Food Safety Day: 5 days, 5 videos, 5 calls to action!  In the week leading up to 7 June, GFSI will post a brief video every day, each addressing one of  the 5  calls to action. They invite your engagement throughout the campaign for World Food Safety Day on their Twitter, Facebook, Youtube or LinkedIn! Be sure to tag @myGFSI and use the #GFSI and#WorldFoodSafetyDay hashtags. Watch GFSI’s Erica Sheward chat with Codex’s Hilde Kruse on World Food Safety Day 2020.