مرفق الغابات والمزارع


New case study from IIED and CDNTA highlights how forest and farm producer organizations unite producers in local forest and farm landscapes A tale of community empowerment and sustainable growth is unfolding in Zambia's Choma District's forest landscapes, where a group of dedicated smallholder farmers have united under the banner of ...
New study by IIED highlights how agrobiodiversity is taking centre stage for food security and sustainable development in Madagascar. In the Malagasy highlands, cultivated hills are interspersed with rice-growing valleys and lowlands. Rice is a staple crop in Madagascar and an important part of local food security; however, agricultural-driven biodiversity ...
New report from IIED and MVIWAARUSHA captures the role of smallholder farmers and their organizations in Northern Tanzania for preserving agrobiodiversity. Smallholder farming families in Tanzania play a vital role in producing varied and nutritious food for households and market demand. But how can we ensure that this agricultural production is ...
Join FFF partners to hear and share successful experiences and best practices on finance. Participants will identify appropriate financing instruments for scaling up, including carbon and biodiversity finance and internal finance mechanisms developed by smallholder producer organizations. Register to the event.
Join FFF partners and the Global Bio Energy Partnership to learn more about grass charcoal as an alternative to woodfuel in Ghana. Register to join the webinar.
A new report by IIED demonstrates how community microfinance mechanisms are key to unlocking finance for forest and farm producers.
Isabela Núñez del Prado Nieto discusses how the pioneering work of a women’s trade union in India could inspire and strengthen women forest and farm producers.
FAO Representative in Zambia, with Swedish and Finnish donors' representatives visited the Choma Tree Nursery, Tubeleke women & Choma Charcoal groups supported by the FFF in their resilient activities to climate change.
Shared labels used by smallholder producers can promote biocultural diversity, build climate resilience and drive social justice. Read this blog by Kata Wagner, Researcher in IIED’s Natural Resources research group.
Join Foret and Farm Facility partners at International Day of Forests event: Women leaders in forestry with Ms Marie-Orléa VINA, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development of Madagascar. Contact us for vitual participation, Zoom links available.