Agricultural extension in transition worldwide - Policies and strategies for reform
This publication contains twelve modules which cover a selection of major reform measures in agricultural extension being promulgated and implemented internationally, such as linking farmers to markets, making advisory services more demand-driven, promoting pluralistic advisory systems, and...

Realizing the potential of digitalization to improve the agri-food system: Proposing a new International Digital Council for Food and Agriculture. A concept note
The global agri-food system continues to face considerable challenges in being able to provide enough food of adequate quality to feed an ever-growing, aging, and migrating population. The world is also changing at a fast pace with the emergence of an array of technologies. Digital technologies...

حو إنشاء مجلس رقمي دولي للأغذية والزراعة
سيقدم المجلس الرقمي المشورة للحكومات والجهات الفاعلة الأخرى ذات الصلة بشأن استخدام الرقمنة في القطاع الزراعي، وتوجيه تبادل الأفكار والخبرات، وبالتالي مساعدة الجميع على الاستفادة من الفرص التي تتيحها الرقمنة
Digital technologies in agriculture and rural areas
This report aims to identify the different scenarios where the process of digital transformation is taking place in agriculture. This identifies those aspects of basic conditions, such as those of infrastructure and networks, affordability, education and institutional support. In addition, enablers...
Going Digital: Shaping Policies, Improving Lives
Digital technologies and data are transformational. People, firms and governments live, interact, work and produce differently than in the past, and these changes are accelerating rapidly. How can we realise the immense promises of digital technologies and data for growth and well-being in a fast...
On-farm practices for the safe use of wastewater in urban and peri-urban horticulture
This training handbook is a field guide for training urban and peri-urban vegetable farmers in safe practices for irrigating their vegetables with wastewater. It is designed to provide complete information, knowledge and skills for the successful safer production of vegetables in urban and peri...
E-Agriculture in Action
The role of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in agriculture has grown substantially in recent years in both scale and scope. Expanding broadband connectivity, increasing deployment of the “internet of things” (IoT), enhanced analytics, affordable devices and innovative applications...

توظيف الشباب في الزراعة حلا قويًا للقضاء على الجوع والفقر المدقع في أفريقيا
كجزء من الاستعداد لمؤتمر "توظيف الشباب في الزراعة حلا قويًا للقضاء على الجوع والفقر المدقع في أفريقيا: المشاركة من خلال تقنية المعلومات والاتصالات وريادة الأعمال"، أُجريت هذه المشاورات عبر شبكة الإنترنت لجمع وجهات النظر المتعددة حول أهم المجالات المواضيعية. كما تهدف هذه المشاورات إلى إتاحة فرصة للشباب المهتم بالتنمية الزراعية والريفية في جميع أنحاء أفريقيا لتبادل الخبرات وقصص النجاح والممارسات الجيدة لريادة الأعمال التي يقودها الشباب والابتكارات الرقمية في قطاع الزراعة.
Summary of "Using information technology in the agriculture of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies and beyond - The potential of Wisdom Agriculture for poverty reduction and improved food security"
This document summarizes the online discussion Using information technology in the agriculture of APEC economies and beyond – The potential of Wisdom Agriculture for poverty reduction and improved food security which was held on the FAO Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) from 9...

How Access to Energy Can Influence Food Losses
The report begins by reviewing the evidence to date focussing on the magnitude and geographical distribution of food losses. In the next sections the role of energy in post-harvest losses is discussed. Thereafter, the main entry points within the food value chain where lack of access to energy is...
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