全球粮食安全与营养论坛 (FSN论坛)

The recent UNSG’s report for the World Humanitarian Summit flags building resilience and putting people at the centre as a core part of the vision for “One Humanity: Shared Responsibility”, and as underpinning delivery of assistance and risk management processes. Just by way of saying that global processes and related agreements and recommendations will be behind deepening our collective work on resilience, building the evidence base, and shaping how we work together to achieve Agenda 2030; given the wealth of material and research out there (analytical, programmatic, operational and organizational, as usefully characterized in a previous post) a centralized, integrated and action-oriented platform on resilience will be a vital resource.

A couple of design/feature points building on previous posts. First, given that it is inevitable (and desirable) for there to be a variety of resilience-focused platforms at different levels, and for different audiences, it will be vital to ensure a high degree of interoperability between diverse knowledge management and learning platforms to facilitate the sharing of information from the off, i.e. being able to set up regular feeds from other data sources, having shared/mapped ontologies etc. Second, the channels of information and increasingly overwhelming. Many of us subscribe to various online feeds from various networks – professional, technical and other – but the one’s I value most are those that provide a synthesis of useful, interesting and topical items. For example, The One Billion Hungry: Can We Feed the World? weekly bulletin “What we have been reading this week” is a useful digest, which has led me to material that I wouldn’t otherwise have come across. Something to consider as a possible feature.