FSN Forum strategy planning workshop: Linking practice and innovation to policy through online consultations
The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum), a worldwide community of experts and practitioners on food security and nutrition facilitated by FAO, has initiated a process of reviewing its strategy aimed at achieving an increased strategic alignment with the FAO’s goals and a stronger cohesion among FSN Forum members.
A two-day, face-to-face workshop, involving key FSN Forum members and FAO colleagues active in knowledge sharing was held in Rome (Italy) on 12-13 December 2013. The purpose was to allow for a constructive exchange of ideas aimed at gathering inputs for the continuous development of the Forum in general and for the upcoming medium term strategy in particular.
Since its founding in 2007, the FSN Forum has expanded considerably and has been increasingly involved as a key partner in FSN policy making and governance processes. This role, which has been reinforced by the FAO’s new Strategic Framework, calls for a constant increase of the interaction of the Forum’s stakeholders, both from a qualitative and quantitative point of view. Collaborations with regional actors such as FAO regional offices and other regional food security institutions are also becoming increasingly important to allow the FSN Forum to serve its members and the FAO in the most effective way possible.
Currently the FSN Forum has initiated a process of reviewing its strategy aiming to achieve an increased strategic alignment with the FAO’s goals and a stronger cohesion among FSN Forum members, promoting the Forum and benefit from the continued relevance of the network.
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