G77 & China - Rome Chapter

News archive

G77 & China highlights the role of Livestock in the Agenda 2030

Rome Italy 18/05/2017
  The Fifth Plenary Meeting of the G77 and China of the year was held in the FAO's Red Room on May 18, with the participation of the members of the Group and among the events to be highlighted is the [...]

G77 & China Plenary Meeting of the 27 February 2017: The FAO DG, Mr. Graziano da Silva, called the attention on three priorities

Rome Italy 28/02/2017
The new Chairmanship invited Mr. Graziano da Silva, FAO Director General, who sketched out three main issues, which would request additional support and personal commitments as a contribution for the achievement of SDGs and for ending hunger and malnutrition: World [...]

World Program of the Census of Agriculture (WCA) 2020: new formula of data collection for a good impact on agriculture policies

Rome Italy 27/02/2017
The Agriculture Sector from production to consumption in the World programme of the Census of Agriculture 2020. World Census of Agriculture framework volumes (I and II) would be issued by FAO for the member countries to ensure that the census [...]

Greetings by the G77 & China Chiarperson

Rome Italy 19/01/2017
H.E. Ambassador Elias Ejuri Abraham, Permanent Representant of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to FAO, took the Chairmanship of the G77+China for this year 2017 during the past month of January. Eljuri Abraham is an expert in statistics; he has graduated [...]

Handover of the Chairmanship of the G77 & China – Rome Chapter 2016

Rome Italy 11/01/2016
Bangladesh has taken over the Rome Chapter of the Group of 77 and China from Iran. The G77 & China represents the interests of 134 developing countries within United Nations. The Chairpersons has elected every year based on Regional Rotation. [...]

Note Verbale on behalf of the Group of 77 and China to the Permanent Representation of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

.E. Ambassador Elias Ejuri Abraham, Permanent Representant of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to FAO, took the Chairmanship of the G77+China for this year 2017 during the past month of January. Eljuri Abraham is an expert in statistics; he has graduated [...]

The Rome Chapter of the G-77 & China meets on the occasion of the Handover of its Chairmanship

Left to right: His Excellency Asitha Perera, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, incoming Chairperson of G-77 & China -Rome Chapter-; Ms. Fernanda Guerrieri, Directeur de Cabinet, Office of the Director General of FAO; and Her [...]

Message on the occasion of the 48th anniversary of the establishment of the Group of 77

On the occasion of the commemoration of the 48th anniversary of the establishment of the Group of 77, on 15 June 2012, H.E. Ambassador Mourad Benmehidi, Permanent Representative of Algeria to the United Nations and Chairman of the Group [...]

Communiqué on the occasion of the Africa Day

On the occasion of the celebration of the Africa Day, on 25 May 2012, the G77 Chairmanship took the opportunity to express its congratulations to G-77 Africa Members and to their respective Governments, for the 49th Anniversary of the founding of [...]
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